Example sentences of "he may [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 A family centre is a place where a child and his parents or those caring for him may go for occupational , social or recreational activities , or for advice , guidance or counselling .
2 ‘ Jesus ’ as we have him may have been filtered through the patriarchal world which remembered him and wrote about him ( if the biblical authors were male ) .
3 With him may have been his father .
4 And so , Nicodemus would have been familiar with this story , and Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so , must the son of man be lifted up , but whoever believes in him may have eternal life .
5 He may fail as a result of natural disasters but no one can blame him for that .
6 The voter may of course reject the outcome ; e.g. , with local public goods he may migrate to another community ( in this sense , the minority may have an element of veto power — see Lecture 17 ) .
7 ‘ Then , lest he may prevent . ’
8 Bowling took no further part in the proceedings , but he may think it a small price to pay for providing one of the turning points in a memorable match .
9 But the believer must wait for God 's time of deliverance ; he may think it long in coming — forgetting that God 's time is the best time . ’
10 Whatever he may think he is doing he can only be discovering , like our romantic traveller , but perhaps much less aware of what he is doing , that in the last resort his desires outweigh his fears .
11 For although Piper 's manager Frank Warren thinks Benn believes he has made a big mistake in selecting Piper as a first challenger and does n't fancy the job , I suspect the opposite is true — he may think it is going to be too easy .
12 If he has the support of the prime minister and main political colleagues , he can decide any matter which comes before him as he may think expedient .
13 He may think it looks cissy to do what a normal man would and carry the baby in its cot , but I reckon it only looks unchivalrous .
14 He may think in terms of bits of equipment , flows of material , flows of energy or flows of information .
15 He may think also that it has a basic appeal to human nature , which means most others will accept it too once their minds are cleared of confusion and superstition .
16 Be aware , then , that he simply will not be able to proof-read his own work , because he may think , for instance , that latter is the correct way to spell later .
17 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
18 It being their considered opinion , based on personal experience , that no one method is sufficient to meet their needs in adult life , they desire , therefore , that the Minister of Education shall with the utmost speed institute a Special Enquiry into the results of the present system and if necessary in the light of conclusions thus established , take such steps as he may think desirable to include the use of fingerspellng and signing , in conjunction with the oral teaching , in the curriculum of all Special Schools for the Deaf .
19 ( 11 ) If a licensing board is not elected at the time at which it ought to be elected , or an insufficient number of members is elected for a board , the Secretary of State may by order provide for the holding of an election or elections for supplying such fault or deficiency in election at such times and in such manner as he may think expedient .
20 Because I did choose him , Chips , and quite deliberately , whatever you and he may think . ’
21 The draftsman should ensure that any licence fee or sub-rent is taken into account in the calculation of the tenant 's turnover ; indeed , he may think it appropriate to cover the contingency that the tenant grants a licence of part of the demised property at less than the market rate .
22 Soon afterwards he may realise his mistake and continue his search .
23 In this way he may succeed in attracting the attention of the predator away from the vulnerable fry .
24 Where , as will normally be the case , the breach is such as must in the ordinary course of business inflict damage on the plaintiff , he may succeed without proof of any particular damage .
25 He may throw me among strangers .
26 Yeah the chances are he may throw an objection up
27 The male then looks for another mate and he may escort as many as five females through the nest .
28 In doing so he may silence those who have suspected that he will never be a dealmaker of Ross 's calibre .
29 That may be so ; but on the other hand , if the plaintiff 's contention is correct , the solicitor may abstain from delivering his bill for 20 years , and then at the end of that time he may deliver it and sue after the expiration of a month from its delivery .
30 Even though he may pay lip service to the idea that there are probably many breaks not yet discovered , nevertheless almost every geologist seems to accept the above doctrine , albeit subconsciously .
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