Example sentences of "he 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now 'e 's payin' for it .
2 ‘ I think 'e 's owed that , ’ said Sprott , ‘ I think 'e 's owed a generous tribute . ’
3 ‘ I think 'e 's owed that , ’ said Sprott , ‘ I think 'e 's owed a generous tribute . ’
4 Now 'e 's moved out I 'm back ter me flannelette . ’
5 I reckon 'e 's turnin' out worse .
6 ‘ You come down 'ere now , Sergeant Joe wants a word with yer , and if it means 'e 's goin' to knock yer 'ead off , I 'll give 'im an 'and . ’
7 'E 's goin' back Monday , ’ Aggie told her .
8 ‘ I 'm sure 'e 's goin' out of 'is mind about that gym , Dan , ’ Sadie fretted .
9 'E 's livin' somewhere orf the Tower Bridge Road an' 'e 's got 'imself anuvver 'orse-an'-cart . ’
10 ‘ Tell yer dad we all appreciate what 'e 's done .
11 ‘ Any'ow my Billy ai n't got much , an' what 'e 'as got 'e 's keepin' it fer 'imself . ’
12 'E 's worryin' the life out of 'is muvver .
13 What 's more , 'e 's callin' on me late tonight to find out if I 've 'ad another go and if I 've earned the quid . ’
14 At least 'e 's gettin' out an' about now . ’
15 All of thirteen and 'e 's shaving 'isself .
16 'E 's taken a fancy to you , John mate .
17 Apparently 'e 's took over there fer good .
18 ‘ I thought I could pay a bit each week outa yower wages and Jack 's , but now 'e 's leavin' us , – she wept even louder .
19 When 'e 's backed the lorry in the yard we close the gates like I said .
20 Our Nancy might be only seventeen , but she 's already a full-growed woman to look at , and I know she 'd be pleased to be 'is wife , 'e 'd only 'ave to ask 'er , except 'e did say once that 'e 's waitin' a while before 'e gets married .
21 Billy knows what 'e 's doin' , ’ he said encouragingly .
22 I reckon 'e 's ate new-born babies in 'is time , so I was 'ighly relieved that we parted on friendly terms , as yer might say . ’
23 ‘ We was in t'workhouse together and 'e 'll do as 'e 's told , which is more than a lot of 'usbands does . ’
24 I s'pose 'e 's told yer about me , ’ he said smiling .
25 ‘ I do n't know where 'e 's gon na get the money from , ’ Nellie snorted .
26 She 's sure 'e 's gon na end up in prison the way fings are goin' .
27 ‘ If that rozzer sees Chopper 'e 's gon na twig somefing 's up .
28 " Nobody can tell what would have happened if he had stayed if he 's reacted more strongly , " she said later .
29 ‘ It seems he 's elevated himself into the big league these past four years .
30 ‘ Come , ’ she used to say , ‘ as long as you do n't think he 's wasting your time . ’
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