Example sentences of "he had given " in BNC.

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1 I had thought at the time , wrote Goldberg , turning the page , wiping his brow , taking a sip of orange juice from the glass on the desk beside him , dreaming for a moment of the cigarettes he had given up two years earlier , I had thought , he wrote , that an edited version of the text , with only those comments directly concerned with the Big Glass included , would serve you best .
2 He had given Arabella Buckley a quick glance then .
3 He demanded a refund from the first agents but they refused , arguing that because he had given them his credit card number he had entered into a contract .
4 He had given up his three stripes to join the Commandos and was now the father of two children , a boy and a girl , his wife living with her parents in Perth .
5 He had given her that household , a little society , warming itself in its own glow of virtue , insulating itself from the big bad world ; but within its own limits it had been open and supportive .
6 He had given her an egg ; an orange egg about four inches long and made , of all things , of soap .
7 For he had given her gifts beyond dreaming .
8 He had given her no help throughout the night but it did not lessen her love .
9 In his 1965 article , ‘ Aesthetic of Hunger ’ , enormously influential on Third World cinema and art , Glauber felt he had given ‘ the measure of my rational understanding of poverty ’ .
10 A copy of a paper he had given to the British Association on ‘ The car of the future ’ led to his being summoned to Detroit , and to a commission to design and build it .
11 He felt that he had given enough .
12 He had given everything he had .
13 Before they left , Gallardo shook Valenzuela 's hand and thanked him for the cigarettes he had given him in captivity .
14 When he began writing again , he had given up realism for allegory about the conflict between , among other things , science and religion .
15 ‘ I did n't know her then , ’ he said , repressively , uneasily conscious that he had given Francesca no thought at all that day and did n't much want to think about her now .
16 IN his last letter to Ashcroft Noble , Edward tried to express his thanks to the dying man for the new direction he had given to his life :
17 On that third morning , though , it had been Haynes who led out the home team , since Richards was in the press box breathing fire at Daily Express journalist James Lawton who had asked him for an explanation of the V-sign he had given to his own crowd .
18 He loved to tell stories of how he had given advice , how it had been disregarded , and how he had been proved right .
19 He had given Gina a column to take in to his paper while he was away .
20 Doyle smiled , with sneering triumph , thinking he had given up .
21 After he had given up the slave trade and was already hoping to be ordained , he was appointed tide-surveyor in the port of Liverpool with duties that included the inspection of incoming vessels .
22 An eccentric Welsh atheist , Dr William Price , cremated the body of his illegitimate infant , to whom he had given the name Jesus .
23 However , David Lloyd George decided that a majority of one was not sufficient , even though he had given an undertaking to implement the majority report .
24 Yes , that was the card he had given to old Jackdaw to post but he really did n't want all this aggravation , he was happy the way he was .
25 For the sake of a quiet life he had given in to an unreasonable request and only now did he fully realize what it meant .
26 The bastard knew by now that he had given the game away .
27 Already he had given too much away .
28 Just before leaving France in 1940 he had given a final dinner party at the Ritz in Paris to members of his unit , but had inadvertently left without paying the bill .
29 After his defeat Mr Taylor said he had given 100 per cent commitment to the seat .
30 When he had given the wounded the water , he made a second trip .
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