Example sentences of "he and to " in BNC.

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1 My wife , who liked him and to whom he was always charming , thinks he was a snob .
2 He will meet Jacob again , at Isaac 's burial ( 35.29 ) , and chapter 36 is devoted to him and to lists of his descendants .
3 Five years later , the Reverend Adam Buddle ( c.1660–1715 ) , Reader at Gray 's Inn and an enthusiastic botanist , after whom Buddleja is named , welcomed an offer from Richardson to send seeds and roots from Yorkshire to him and to the Chelsea Garden ‘ which is now putting into very good order … we design to cultivate all the rare English plants we can get to grow there . ’
4 If nothing in heaven or earth is ‘ beyond the power of Allah ’ — if Allah , in other words , is omnipotent — then this quality can only be attributed to Him and to no-one else .
5 Evidence from all over the world suggests that women have all the gifts needed to be effective and caring priests : to bring the love of Christ to those who do not know him and to be enablers of others .
6 He paused , detecting in his voice the first trace of that reedy mixture of sarcasm and pomposity which he knew occasionally affected him and to which he was morbidly sensitive .
7 ‘ But I have spoken to him and to Alex Ferguson , and if there are any problems I can call him in . ’
8 He says that he will not go to Maputo until he receives the money that the UN promised to him and to other party leaders to start up their election campaign ; the UN says that it is still waiting for the donors to deliver the money .
9 The Crusades , in one view , had been an attempt to restore Christ 's inheritance ( into which he had entered in triumph ) both to him and to his heirs , the Christian community .
10 With great deference to him and to Lord Keith of Kinkel , I do not , however , feel so constrained by authority , by statute or by principle .
11 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
12 ‘ All he told me was that the book was important to him and to some other people . ’
13 In reply , Robert Dahl had no difficulty making it seem that Walker was pinning arguments to him and to others in an arbitrary manner , but in the process some of Walker 's stronger points were diminished — in particular the argument that ‘ political scientists … have overlooked the importance of broadly-based social movements , arising from the public at large , as powerful agents of innovation and change ’ .
14 I did n't kill him and to was no point in giving them any more to gossip about . ’
15 Yet somebody had sprayed those two words on the wall , somebody who knew what they would mean to him and to no other occupant of Breakspear College .
16 She was also following his wishes , handing over things to him and to his mother , so why was he looking so explosive ?
17 Seb learned that Boz had returned to the Wychwood Forest when Melody came to the farm one afternoon to say goodbye to him and to Christian .
18 We are grateful to him and to all the other people who serve on the advisory board of the know-how fund .
19 First , the hon. Gentleman has suggested that the report , which he says has been leaked , is accurate , but I suggest to him and to the House that it is not .
20 Does he agree that the fact that so many parts of the country are queueing up for ESA status is a tribute to him and to the usefulness of such areas ?
21 Has the Minister accepted the argument which was put strongly to him and to which he listened carefully that day , that it makes no sense for Northumberland to be forced by Government spending restrictions to cut £3.5 million from its education budget when it spends less per pupil than most other authorities ?
22 I am delighted that the Minister of State , Foreign and Commonwealth Office , my hon. Friend the Member for Watford ( Mr. Garel-Jones ) , who is one of the most influential Ministers in the discussions , is here today , and I say to him and to others that I want Ministers to be more positive .
23 I have had many pleasant discussions with him , but I must say to him and to the House in all firmness that to ask us to talk about justice as politicians is to go down a very dangerous road .
24 Siward , taller than anyone else , was behind him and to the left .
25 The elevated 18th tee was in front of him and to the left .
26 To him and to most of his European friends , it was as clear as daylight in the sky that a war was coming .
27 Despite that he has managed to keep a group of people around him who have a loyalty both to him and to the company . ’
28 ‘ So be my witness , ’ he said , ‘ that before the face of God and in your presence I swear this : that when God 's good time serves me to do it without injury to my foremost obligations to Him and to my country , I will take and destroy the castle of Parfois for the wrongs of Harry Talvace dead and Harry Talvace living .
29 and John one in verse twelve it says but as many have received him , to them he gave the right , the authority , the , the power , to become children of God , even to those who believe on his name and this of course is what making our commitment to Christ is , it 's receiving him for ourselves , it 's plugging in , it 's saying yes I have n't got that power myself , I am not able to do it I need you to come and do it for me , I accept that you have that power , you have that authority , you have dealt with my sin and I receive it for me , we trust Christ to save us from sin and commit ourselves to his kingly ruling our lives , we are as the bible says then , born again , new creations , we are made alive in Christ , I give you one verse in Colossians and in chapter three , verse four it says when Christ who is our life is revelled , then you also no sorry verse , verse three , verse three , sorry for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God but you say that 's all very well that , that brings me into the place of becoming a follower of Jesus yes I 've accepted him , but what about all this pressures here , Christ I , I 'm willing to receive them and to make the centre of my life , I 've received that he died for me , but what about all those things that 's twisting and marring and distorting my life , that 's rubbing me , my life can be more , God wants it to be , well that 's the great thing when Jesus comes , he does n't just come and sit down and that 's all there is to it , but he comes in by the holy spirit and as Christ is the centre of our life so he , as we submit to him and to his authority as we become obedient to his word , doing what he tells us , what he says for us , then the power of his spirit in our life starts operating , God the holy spirit , cos that 's how we become Christians , we are born again of God spirit and God Christ was in us , not the man who walked here on Galilee , he is a man in glory , but he comes into your life and into my life by the holy spirit and he gives us new spiritual resources which help us to overcome those influences of evil that are pressing in on us and trying to , to , to , to distort our lives and depress it into its mould , those things that have spoiled our lives , he gives us spiritual power and spiritual resources over them .
30 Seek the Lord while he may be found , call upon him while he is near , let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man is thoughts and let them return to the Lord , for what 's gon na happen , for he will of compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon those words were very quoted from Acts , chapter sixteen , when that Philippine jailer said Lord what must I do , sir what must I do to be saved and there Paul timac believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved this is God 's way by repentance in faith that 's presented in Jesus , he is the only saviour , not your works , not my works , not our good deeds , not our religious observances , he is the only saviour , did he not say himself I am the way the truth and the life , nobody comes to the father but by me .
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