Example sentences of "he took no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 And yet he took no steps to reintroduce it in later editions .
2 He was sufficiently confused by the English way of repressing emotion to characterise kind Hearts and Coronets as characteristic of Ealing movies in being emotionally quite frozen , ’ and so fastidiously determined to stay aloof from bland commercialism that he took no interest in the horror genre ( even though his later use of the Frankenstein story in his 1982 film Britannia Hospital suggests how much of a contribution he might have made in this area ) .
3 I kept waving to Mike but he took no notice , and if I hang about here Otley will only ask me to fetch him a slice of ox and then I shall be sick .
4 Other such terms , for example free , as in ‘ then we were free ’ , certainly had reference to the past , but carried direct contemporary reference : a man would say of another , ‘ he is a free man ’ , and mean that he took no orders from a superior ; and a man ( asked about his own occupation ) might say with some pride that he was a ‘ free Zuwayi ’ ( zuwayi hurr ) , and imply his condition was closer to the old days than that of most of those he saw around him .
5 If he took no interest in gardening before his illness , he may find it refreshing to be outdoors looking at the different colours and shapes of the plants , smelling their fragrance , and watching the insects and birds they attract .
6 Yet he took no interest in manners , but in the substance of life only .
7 And he took no pleasure in his food , neither could he sleep by night , nor would he lift up his eyes from the ground , nor stir out of his house , nor commune with his friends , but turned from them in silence as if the breath of his shame would taint them .
8 The guard shouted to him three times but he took no notice at all .
9 Many of his friends were Covenanters but , although he supported their cause in principal and loathed the barbarous conduct of the dreaded Dragoons , he took no active part in the rebellion .
10 He listened politely , and if he showed no concern at least he took no offence and we parted on good terms .
11 He took no risks for he was frightened of his master .
12 I sighed heavily and he took no notice .
13 He took no share of the Church lands for himself , and his generous entertaining often caused him financial difficulties .
14 His mother tried to scold him but he took no notice .
15 When he was given work at a lathe that rounded and spiralled chairs ' legs he took no advice from the foreman , and instead watched the man next to him to study the working of the machine .
16 He took no documents with him , but he hoped to persuade Pope Alexander II to confirm Canterbury 's primacy on general grounds of tradition .
17 But although he talked of acting as a craft , he took no trouble over it . ’
18 The Fifth was choking in its own certainties , and though he took no pleasure in the thought of losing his life , he would not mourn his removal from this hard and unpoetic Dominion .
19 But like his father he took no satisfaction in the thought .
20 He took no stand , but resigned at the last moment from the Lloyd George Cabinet so as to be ingratiatingly available to continue as Foreign Secretary in the new Government .
21 Certainly , so far as we can see , he took no steps to promote the interests of his younger son , apart from not insisting that he take the cross .
22 After the death of his wife in 1909 he took no interest in the society of women , he had little interest in food and he was a teetotaller .
23 He took no part in the digging but squatted on the edge of the ditch , fidgeting backwards and forwards , sometimes nibbling and then starting up suddenly as though he could hear some sound in the wood .
24 Several rabbits were jostled and turned angrily on him , but he took no notice .
25 He took no part in the London Strike Committee .
26 But he took no notice of either thing I had said , anyway , and laughed heartily at nothing evident about Sixth Avenue , and grabbed at my knee .
27 He took no notice of them .
28 He took no notice .
29 ‘ He had long been in a bad state of health , which he took no care to repair but on the contrary lived in such a manner as greatly promoted the disorders he had had long upon him , this brought on the Flux which put a period to his life ’ ( Cook ) .
30 He took no further part in party politics , confining himself to local bodies : he was a magistrate and served on the Shropshire county council from 1923 to 1934 .
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