Example sentences of "he always did " in BNC.

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1 I have very unpleasant recollections of sitting for him , for it was of utmost importance not to move but to fix him right in the eye and listen to him complain , saying as he always did that he was getting nowhere .
2 He lay on his back for a few moments as he always did , then turned onto his right side , arranging himself as if for sleep .
3 Or maybe even further than that : to those warm sunny days when she sat watching her Daddy and asking him questions and he told her like he always did - ‘ Go and play , there 's a good girl . ’
4 He always did it for a while and then just let it ride to see what happened , but all of a sudden ( it 's amazing — I 've seen it happen several times ) he gets out of bed one morning and says , ‘ Right , I 'm going to do something about it — it 's not moving fast enough for me ’ .
5 He went to bed to dream uneasily , and woke early as he always did in the early stages of a case before he had got the machine working properly .
6 She was sitting on the floor , surrounded by dogs and cats — when Christopher came in , and lay on the sofa , without a word — as he always did — and listened to the music with her .
7 Then , when he returned — which he always did , as quickly as possible , for Smugglers ' Cove ( and its occupant ) were so strong a magnet that he often drove home through the night — then she was unfailingly reassured .
8 Still , he could not be quite sure that he always did that with his bread .
9 ‘ Well , come along , come along , Miss Quinn , ’ Dr. Briant said , using the bright rallying voice he always did when speaking to her , and obediently she picked up the baby and carried him to the scales .
10 When the meal was finished Harry excused himself , as he always did , and went to take a nap down by the pool .
11 Of course he would know the gossip — he always did .
12 He paused as he always did at the foot of the stairs , his left hand holding the lamp , his right hand resting on the banisters .
13 Corbett ate sparingly as he always did .
14 After supper Uncle Bill would put me , as he always did , in the big double bed in the room next the kitchen , and then he 'd leave the door open , and I 'd lie and listen to him and Bernard yarning , wondering how soon it would be before they got into bed , one on either side of me .
15 He kept his voice as reasonable as he always did , since there was no point in anyone becoming heated .
16 In the winter of that year , Edouard arrived there punctually at nine , as he always did .
17 Firmly replacing the lid he marvelled , as he always did , at the difference one girl and an eighteen-month-old baby could make to the volume of household waste .
18 On my last afternoon at home , surrounded by grey shirts and socks , I looked from the window and saw Bobby Bowen in his best suit with the extra wide trousers walking quickly down the hill , whistling beautifully as he always did , with lots of grace notes .
19 And since Niki — though he always did his duty — was ever notably surly with the press , what they invented about him caused Niki little joy .
20 Kirov arrived at the agreed meeting place as he always did , at the exact specified time .
21 Then slowly , reluctantly almost , they would rise into the air and Rob would let go his breath , and his flight engineer would say , ‘ Bloody lovely , ’ as he always did .
22 He looks like hell and sounds awful , but then , as he 's the first to admit , he always did .
23 And he had put the post in her hand personally as he always did .
24 At that point Peter woke up , as he always did .
25 On the other hand he made his position clear and crude — as he always did later in similar situations — by making it plain that he was the control , he was the paymaster .
26 Burton dug into himself and , as he always did with work he reverenced , laid all he had at the service of the part .
27 Lee would catch them , he always did , but he kept his own counsel because when Garry got mad he sent him home .
28 Mister Johnny sat quiet and still as he always did when she talked , watching her mouth and moving his own as if he were trying to copy her .
29 Looking at him now , she guessed this was what he always did when he disappeared .
30 I was dead against it , but he always did what the family wanted .
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