Example sentences of "he become [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Men like him became lynchpins in Sussex rural society , serving not only as tenant farmers but also as parish churchwardens and constables , helping to maintain a semblance of order and to interpret the gentry 's will in their communities .
2 When Theodor Heuss retired as President in 1959 Adenauer wanted Erhard to fill the vacant position , which would prevent him becoming Chancellor .
3 Henry Tudor found that there was still considerable opposition to him becoming King , particularly from ‘ Yorkshire ’ pretenders , who included Margaret of Burgundy , for whom an Oxford tradesman called Simnel , crossed into England from Ireland , in the summer of 1487 , with a force of two thousand German mercenaries , but Henry — who had become King Henry VII , in September 1485 — raised a larger army and defeated them at Newark .
4 It was his own early instincts as a risk taker which first put him on the path that was ultimately to lead to him becoming chairman and chief executive of Hilton International .
5 We should n't have let him become chairman .
6 An eventful match for the recalled David Gower say him become England 's most-capped player and , with this boundary off Aqib , England 's highest runscorer , surpassing Geoff Boycott 's old record
7 The Scot was forced to quit the pro game because of injury two months ago , and Whitby boss Bobby Scaife has persuaded him to become part of the Turnbull Ground set-up .
8 He encompassed his object of breaking the bond between the two by telling Mehmed II that Hocazade wanted to become kazasker , while telling Hocazade that Mehmed II wanted him to become kazasker , as a result of which Hocazade unwillingly accepted the post which Mehmed II unwillingly offered him .
9 Three years later , in 1638 , Laud arranged for him to become Rector of Uppingham , in Rutland , and a chaplain to King Charles I. It was at this time that Taylor made his first marriage , to the sister of one of his Cambridge pupils . ’
10 Convention , technique , and an empathy with the popular mind all went into the perfecting of the Chaplin act and it was these things that enabled him to become Sennett 's most accomplished pupil and which allowed him to create the cinema 's most appealing and most universal symbol .
11 Having given a sketchy account of his early career , he notes that he became kazasker in 863/1458–9 and was then removed from that post in 871/1466–7 .
12 Mecdi is even more specific : " [ While teaching at the Sahn ] he became kazasker in place of Hocazade …
13 Awarded the Chadwick gold medal in 1920 , he retired from the navy in 1928 , the year he became surgeon-captain .
14 He became FRS in 1864 .
15 He became irresponsible-
16 I think it 's fair to say he 's the first one to acknowledge that but he did win the gold medal and as a result he became yachtsman of the year and at a time when there is very a much heightened interest in the problems of disabled and people with visual impairment it was a real boost for sailors who have those problems that we did so well during the year .
17 He became MA ( 1767 ) and BD ( 1775 ) .
18 He became deputy prime minister and minister for foreign affairs after 1975 , and was known as ‘ Brother Number Two ’ .
19 When the republic was merged with North Vietnam in 1976 he became deputy prime minister .
20 He took part inthe naval landings in North Africa , helped plan further landings in Sicily , and towards the war 's end he became deputy secretary to the chief of combined operations .
21 He became deputy chairman of the merged business .
22 In 1943 , he became deputy chief of staff to Lord Mountbatten in South East Asia and in the following year chief of staff to Chiang Kai-shek and commander of the American forces in China .
23 He became Deputy Chairman of British Airways plc in 1989 .
24 Leopold 's own career progressed slowly and unadventurously : by 1758 he had risen up the ranks to become second violin , and also court and chamber composer , and five years later he became deputy kapellmeister ( the German term for the musician in charge of a musical establishment ) .
25 On the other hand he became Deputy Headmaster of Rosington in 1957 .
26 His game-plan ensured , he set off into the advertising world , swiftly rising from accounts like Oxfam , Nescafé and the Government 's drink-and-drive campaign at Wasey Campbell- Ewald to Tinker and Partners , where he became deputy to Caroline Le Bas .
27 Three years after his return to railway work he became deputy chief mechanical engineer of the newly formed London , Midland and Scottish Railway in 1923 and two years later succeeded George Hughes as chief mechanical engineer .
28 From March 1645 , when he became deputy licenser to Rushworth , until March 1647 when both men were dismissed , presumably for political reasons , Mabbott 's name appears regularly in the Stationers ' Company register .
29 He became deputy chief scientific officer , Ministry of Supply , in 1952 .
30 In 1649 he became deputy chief justice of the Chester circuit , in which capacity he presided over the trials of James Stanley , seventh Earl of Derby , Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh [ qq.v. ] , and John Benbowe in October 1651 .
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