Example sentences of "he put a " in BNC.

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1 At Ferrari it waited for him to put a foot wrong and there was blood all over the walls . ’
2 In scene five , for instance , Anderson , attempting to leave the lecture theatre , is caught off-guard by the chairman , who selects him to put a question to the lecturing professor ( p. 63 ) .
3 Instead , he put a rich range of clear rainbow colours on his palette , replacing the dirty ochre colours with light and more luminous chromium colours , with the addition of Veronese green , ultramarine and lacquer colours , and following the Impressionist recipe in not mixing these colours with anything except white or closely allied colours .
4 Elsewhere , ‘ he put a teaspoonful-and-a-half of coffee granules into his mug and exactly the same into hers . ’
5 One night he put a Belgian chocolate inside her and as it melted he licked away the cream .
6 This week , he put a good case for regarding Alec Douglas-Home , Lord Home of the Hirsel , as one of the most under-rated comedians of the last 30 years .
7 What Charles said in major speeches which he put a great deal of time and thought into , seldom went farther than the four walls he spoke within .
8 He put a hand to his forehead to ease the pressure .
9 Once he put a broody hen on a clutch of eggs and ten little chicks hatched out .
10 He put a forefinger in the pocket , coaxing Agrippa out .
11 He put a hand on her shoulder , and then one on Nathan 's .
12 He put a question mark against Harry , all the same .
13 Then he put a hand on her elbow to guide her to the door .
14 He put a thousand-franc note on his bedside table and told the porter to let Modigliani in whenever he wanted .
15 He put a piece of paper into Irina 's hand .
16 He put a supporting arm round Farquhar 's shoulders and grinned at the men rowing only hard enough to hold the ship steady .
17 He was intrigued , and sat still until she approached again and then , very gently , he put a hand out towards her .
18 The Prime Minister summed up what many of us wanted to say when he put a question to Tony Benn : ‘ what do you say about the thuggish act of a walk-out , without notice , from a Children 's Hospital ? ’
19 He put a finger to his lips and brought his face close to mine .
20 Another owner discovered that if he put a line of coins on his sideboard his cat would knock them down one by one .
21 He put a copy of the timetable into my hands and said , ‘ You will need to know where we stop .
22 He put a hand across the table , which I shook .
23 He put a hand on her shoulder .
24 He put a finger to his temple like a pistol .
25 He put a couple of lamb chops under the grill , made a green salad and prepared to enjoy a few hours of solitude before the intrusion of Rickards and his preoccupations .
26 Leaning towards her , he put a hand on each side of her face on the smooth tree bark , thus imprisoning her .
27 He put a stop to it because his wife 's Jewish , ’ says Chris .
28 He put a direct question to Theo : did he ever experience moments when a groan or a sigh would be forced from him ?
29 He put a hand into a pocket of his elegant duster coat and brought out a small .22 pistol that he pointed at my face .
30 Outside on the landing he put a light on .
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