Example sentences of "he how the " in BNC.

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1 and when Siegfried swears to marry and save Odette after she has told him how the wicked Von Rothbart turned her into a Swan ( Swan Lake , Act 11 ) .
2 If his successor at British Coal were appointed from within the corporation he considers that it would be impertinent to tell him how the job should be done .
3 When the boy told him how the police had made the arrests , the Prince called the division commander , whose men had arrested the twenty-four , to listen to what the boy had to say .
4 Bruce was showing him how the new tree planting was coming on .
5 I asked him how the scene from the mystery had fared that morning , as Nell had described what had happened the day before .
6 I can tell him how the Store nomes thought that his grandfather created the world .
7 During this rest period I interviewed Chris by telephone and asked him how the wedding of the year had gone .
8 Colt had known the driver for eleven months , and he knew he was good because the Colonel had told him how the driver had once handled an ambush .
9 Sartre produces a persuasive formulation of the relation of the individual to the determining historical circumstance through his concepts of praxis and the practico-inert ; it is also obvious to him how the larger question of History ought to be solved .
10 I visited a college there in , in that offshore island in the Indian Ocean and met the principal of that theological college and I said to him , I asked him how the college was going and he gave the same blandness to his answer as to my question and then he said of his theological college we are still training an aristocracy for the church and ensuring the inertia of the people of God .
11 Rachel quickly told him how the heart attack had happened .
12 We did n't ask him how the injured occured .
13 Nobody knows how he he how the how his head was n't bashed .
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