Example sentences of "he would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aah thowt as 'ow 'e 'd 'ave more sense . ’
2 At the church , me poor sister was near to swoonin' , our mum 'ad to give 'er smellin'-salts , with 'is reverend the vicar sayin' 'e 'd 'ave to cancel the ceremony .
3 ‘ 'E loves Rachel an' 'e 'd give me the top brick off the chimney if I asked 'im , but 'e 's a worrier .
4 Sergeant Joe would n't want me to walk all the way , 'e 'd see me straight with a bob . ’
5 An' 'e 'd say : ‘ Them books is n't for the likes o' you , Jack .
6 'E 'd come running from the back garden and we nearly bumped into each other coming round the corner of the 'ouse .
7 ‘ Well , if 'e was in the area it 's a foregone conclusion 'e 'd pop in .
8 If my 'Arold 'ad 'eard 'im goin' on 'e would 'ave put 'is lights out . ’
9 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
10 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
11 I knew 'e would like you , because you are a wonderful girl , and 'e is a wonderful man .
12 Me and him 'd sit and eat from half past six
13 A strange circle — not all of one tribe or one nation , but ever-present , as though rubbing up against him would give them some strength .
14 Is it Friend ? thought Chesarynth , sure that something about him would give himself away .
15 Here he dismounted and prayed that whatever spirit had been working within him would continue to work , that this furious feeling of benevolence to all mind — if only a beggar would pass by and he could give him a shilling ! — would not abate , that he ‘ could truly and today start a new life , O Lord , for Thy sake and in Thy name ’ .
16 Writing to him would do no good , she knew that before that idea could land .
17 A fellow publisher , Edward Marston , wrote : ‘ In business he was clear-headed , prompt , and decisive , and all who knew him would testify to his absolute straightforwardness and integrity .
18 It was against all he believed in and yet some inner part of him would stop at nothing to attract Jeopardy 's notice .
19 He would chase down green horses and harness-break them , then Mr. Mendez would buy what he wanted and Russell and two White Mountain Apaches who rode for him would deliver the horses to Delgado 's or one of the other relay stations on the way south to Benson .
20 She was wailing now like a baby herself ; marriage with him would mean more of them , her body used every night , and no theatre again , ever .
21 Telling him would mean more questions and delay her departure .
22 Although they had quarrelled so bitterly Mrs Gotobed had still loved Mr Evans , deep down in her heart , and the message she had asked Carrie to give him would show him this plain , .
23 Choosing him would soften the third-world grumble that the UN was becoming an American puppet .
24 If the pinches of flake were thrown over any other bream 's head then that fish would veer to one side , but only the bream immediately alongside him would react , and then only to get out of the way .
25 Any attack on him would bring down excommunication on you .
26 If we look at Gandhi 's teaching in this connection we see that self-alienation for him would involve ignorance ( avidyā ) of the true nature of the Self ( Ātman ) .
27 Which is if , I mean when he was giving lectures in government and binding , people would invited him would put up posters saying government and binding so he got all the wrong audiences .
28 ‘ Gazza 's daft but he 's not a nutcase — though the things being written about him would put anyone mental .
29 Those who spoke ill of him would find it difficult to continue such activity without a jaw to move , he considered , and made a mental note to put one of the Secte Rouge in charge of security .
30 I 'm absolutely sure that a chat with him would help you .
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