Example sentences of "he be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What 's 'e been up to this time ? ’ asked the put-upon wife .
2 ‘ Will 'e be away long ? ’
3 I felt a bit sorry for 'im once , so I sent 'im over a bird but 'e were n't 'aving none of it .
4 I felt a bit sorry for 'im once , so I sent 'im over a bird but 'e were n't 'aving none of it .
5 ‘ Aah 'm afraid 'e 's badly , lass , ’ Annie answered sadly . ’
6 ‘ Oh , me dad always says 'e 's 'ere today an' gone today , ’ said Linda .
7 'E 's dead set on gettin' this gym goin' . ’
8 Sadie leant on the counter and looked furtively right and left before putting a hand up to her mouth and whispering , ‘ I fink 'e 's up ter no good . ’
9 The midwife laid the little scrap in Tamar 's arms and said , ‘ 'E 's a lovely lad , Lady Lassiter. 'E 's not big , but 'e 's all the world ti grow in . ’
10 'E 's not long ti go and indeed , it 'll be a blessing .
11 She could do a lot worse — 'e 's a good , steady man and 'e 's not given ti strong drink . ’
12 'E 's a good pair o' lungs , ’ she smiled , ‘ but 'e 's not very big . ’
13 'E 's not so bad , ’ Nellie replied .
14 ‘ Mind you , 'e 's not bin the same since 'e left the yard .
15 ‘ Billy 's runnin' around wiv a nasty crowd of 'ippidy'oys. 'E 'll be gettin' 'imself inter trouble wiv the police if 'e 's not careful . ’
16 ‘ I 'ope 'e 's not burned bad , ’ she muttered anxiously .
17 But 'e made a bit o' Welsh rarebit after some coaxing. 'E 's not as incapable as 'e looks , I 've come to 't conclusion . "
18 'e 's not half , 'e 's not half as dirty as 'im .
19 'e 's not half , 'e 's not half as dirty as 'im .
20 'E 's always bin the quiet one .
21 Aah said as 'ow 'e 's only a poor little thing . ’
22 They say 'e 's all right ter talk to .
23 'E 's as daft as a brush , and twice as wooden as t'shaft . ’
24 'E 's never bin the same since the stables .
25 'E 's never complained . ‘
26 ‘ 'E knows very well I ca n't sleep till 'e 's in .
27 Suppose 'e 's still here ?
28 Danny as well if 'e 's still livin' wiv yer . ’
29 ‘ If by any chance the police pull us in on suspicion they 've got ter 'ave an identification parade , an' if the old watchman recognises any of us we 're done for , unless 'e 's too frightened ter pick us out , an' 'e will be if 'e knows we 're capable o' smackin' 'im around a bit .
30 Anyway , they walked orf all sheepish when she started ravin' at 'em , an' then she goes marchin' in the yard would yer believe ter see ole Galloway. 'E was n't there by all accounts but 'is son Frank was .
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