Example sentences of "he and the " in BNC.

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1 Where there is possibly a meeting of minds between him and the government is in the desire not to release him into a political vacuum .
2 It was expected that she would show sympathy with the white settler minority associated with Ian Smith 's Rhodesia Front and propose a deal between him and the near-puppet government of Bishop Abel Muzorewa .
3 He climbed into the bus that was taking him and the company 's guests back to the hotel and he sat next to someone he did not recognise in the only seat left vacant .
4 Tony sat it out — in my tent I feel obliged to tell him — listening for the noise of a train , a noise that meant the wind was coming up the defile between him and the sea .
5 Nevertheless , the de-Marxisation of their project by him and the ‘ death of the social ’ which he has announced should alert us to the doubts raised by Raymond Williams on the issue of certain types of Utopianism .
6 He was surprised to find , for example , that men who make their living out of reporting news and gossip should go away from a private lunch with him and the Princess and talk about it .
7 And he once passed on to BitC an invitation he had received requesting him and the Princess to open the conference of a Brent Women 's Association , with a note saying , ‘ Do you think I should do it ?
8 Then out to his bed in a loft over the cowshed , leaving the family to draw in together in a cosy , alien-excluding unit around the flaming and hissing timber , to lie and smoke by the light of a candle and think o better days in the orphanage and wonder in unembittered fashion — for he had been happy there — about the mother who had abandoned him and the even shadowier lover who must have abandoned her .
9 Even when he bent his head to the page , they came between him and the words .
10 The Home Secretary was acting under clause 13(4) of the Licence and Agreement between him and the BBC and section 29(3) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 both of which gave him power to give the broadcasting authorities notice in writing requiring them to refrain from broadcasting any specified matter or classes of matter .
11 To the contrary , there is a growing , glum chance that events will pass him and the European Community by , for the speed of change in Eastern Europe — an East German head of state deposed on Wednesday , a Czechoslovak Prime Minister gone yesterday — has a bewildering momentum that quite outdistances the ability of any Council of Ministers to react .
12 But in an earlier case , he said , it had been held that the authority of the stewards of the National Greyhound Racing Club to suspend a trainer 's licence was derived solely from a contract between him and the club and that the stewards were purely a domestic tribunal .
13 McLeish reached out to steady him and the man looked up at him , unseeingly .
14 Between Casey and the news media there was a profound mutual distrust , equalled only by the mistrust between him and the intelligence committees of Congress .
15 Swindon and , by extension , the Jefferies country around Coate won a permanent place in Thomas 's life because of the indissoluble friendship that developed between him and the old man called ‘ Dad ’ Uzzell .
16 The sudden death of Philip in the novel is one of the few references in Thomas 's work traceable to the impact of the elder critic 's death upon him and the Part it played in hardening his determination to become a writer .
17 Until his knees failed him and the cartilages were removed , he was also one of the finest of all cover fielders , with electrifying speed and a pin-point throw that seemed barely credible .
18 It was as if the Secretary of State were directly running the railways himself , with no chairman or managing director between him and the service .
19 Turn to him and the gospel will declare , ‘ You are accepted . ’
20 She was willing to be used by him and the outrageous request received the obedient , ‘ Let it be to me according to your word ’ ( Luke 1.38 ) .
21 Philip swung the bag at him and the dog ran off down towards the wood-shed .
22 THE COARSENESS OF THE MEN AROUND HIM AND THE ANTAGONISM of feminists made Nigel decide to adopt a more cynical pose .
23 But she turned away without looking at him and the next moment Doyle had him by the arm and was hauling him upstairs .
24 All he could take in was the muzzle of the gun the silent terror of the girl next to him and the Woman 's stony face .
25 Marie had thought about telling him the truth : that Bella had seen him and the police would soon be after him .
26 Now he sat at the kitchen table with the worm-cake before him and the taste of nausea already on his tongue .
27 While anti-Hitler remarks were obviously dangerous , it was not necessary to write in glowing praise of him , or even to mention him and the attempt on his life at all .
28 Hitler 's speech on 20 July after the attempt on his life was turned into a criticism of him and the regime .
29 Can Mr Mitterrand , even as the opinion polls condemn him and the press mock him as a king on the eve of his dethronement , be about to try one last grand jeu before he really ‘ quits ’ .
30 ‘ Normally I 'm accused of the reverse , ’ he says dryly , adding that you could not slip a playing card between him and the rest of the shadow Cabinet on policy .
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