Example sentences of "he be a " in BNC.

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1 An' 'e 's a lot more exciting to watch .
2 The midwife laid the little scrap in Tamar 's arms and said , ‘ 'E 's a lovely lad , Lady Lassiter. 'E 's not big , but 'e 's all the world ti grow in . ’
3 'E 's a terrible racking cough . ’
4 'E 's a fine specimen and good stock-getter and he 's unrelated ti these two . ’
5 She could do a lot worse — 'e 's a good , steady man and 'e 's not given ti strong drink . ’
6 'E 's a good pair o' lungs , ’ she smiled , ‘ but 'e 's not very big . ’
7 'E 's a spry ole thing , but he 's as soft as butter , ent you , ole boy ? ’ and he knelt down and ruffled his fur .
8 ‘ Since 'e 's bin in wiv that crowd from the Tunnel , though , 'e 's a changed boy .
9 ‘ 'E loves Rachel an' 'e 'd give me the top brick off the chimney if I asked 'im , but 'e 's a worrier .
10 My own muvver swears worse than me farvver when she gets upset , an' 'e 's a docker .
11 At least 'e 's a good-un .
12 'E 's a man wivout pity an' 'e do n't care who 'e steps on ter get what 'e wants .
13 'E 's a good sort , is Alf , ’ said Dolly , nodding gravely .
14 Now Sidney , 'er 'usband , 'e 's a decent bloke , but 'e 's no oil paintin' . ’
15 I knew 'e would like you , because you are a wonderful girl , and 'e is a wonderful man .
16 And Monsieur O'Hara , 'e is a man of his word .
17 Mind , when I give 'im the wallet and 'e looked inside it , 'e was a mite more pleasant , even if I could n't see nothing but 'is mince pies and 'is 'ooter .
18 And Lord 'Awke , the captain — well , 'e was a lord as was n't drunk as a … anyways , 'e turns round and says , ‘ Peel , yer orft . ’
19 ‘ I told 'im 'e was a no-good whoreson an' 'e should n't 'ave wasted my time in the first place , ’ Billy replied , his blue eyes blazing at the memory of it .
20 These other girls — they take 'is 'and , they squeeze 'is cheek , they pat 'is 'ead , like 'e was a bébé !
21 The internal working of all bodies around him are a normal part of any dolphin 's external environment … .
22 Among those on board with him are a nurse , an ex-policeman and a former Navy diver .
23 ‘ The only known photographs of him are a series of blurred snapshots taken by the CIA official in Nicaragua .
24 Oh , please , let him be a quick finisher .
25 Oh , please do n't let him be a thief , she prayed ; please do n't let him run off with all the woman 's stock .
26 She was angry with herself for being ready , for letting him be a witness to her fixation on the handsome young singer .
27 The inn was his vessel , the valley was the ocean , out there before him were a horde of small boats and pirates , flare ships and decoys , occasionally an enemy frigate or two hoving over the crest of a hill , sometimes a rich galleon sighted nearby which had to be pursued and boarded .
28 On the desk in front of him were a pile of grey videotape boxes .
29 Behind him were a crowd of men and horses ; Hearthwares in full armour , their breaths steaming in the coolness of the morning , Myrcans standing impassively , indifferent to the cold but nodding to Isay as he approached , and a pair of pack mules trying to bite each other 's manes .
30 Staring out at him were a pair of steady eyes that had lines of pain and care etched round them .
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