Example sentences of "for [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 The emigrants ' discomfort was aggravated by tantalising radio reports of the steaming soup tureens , hot water and clean clothes waiting for them at the reception centre in Hof , West Germany .
2 To speed their return , the Poles suggest their workmen might build housing for them at home — with German money .
3 Or rather , their memoirs were launched for them at a glib and glitzy party by Heinemann , the publishers .
4 It puts support for them at 13 per cent ( up five points on last month ) , with Labour in the lead on 41 per cent ( down three ) , SNP on 24 per cent ( down two ) and Conservatives on 21 per cent ( down one ) .
5 Teenage magazines often have stories about girls who fall in love with handsome , exciting young men who do n't care for them at all while ignoring the nice , but rather ordinary , boy-next-door who thinks the world of them .
6 Two species can be viewed in our special facility for them at the park — the Indian Fruit Bat , which inhabits the rain forests and the smaller Egyptian Fruit Bat which prefers to roost in large colonies in open caves and buildings .
7 Some of the other dancers made life difficult for them at first , resenting the physical advantages the South Africans had enjoyed , growing up far away from the hardships of wartime Britain .
8 When they did not return that night , Richard led a search party for them at first light the following morning .
9 It would control referrals to providers outside the district and it would pay for them at negotiated prices .
10 It would also control patient referrals to providers outside the district and would pay for them at negotiated prices .
11 The total number of schools associated with the various projects is small , and , while even these may not continue to incorporate the new ideas in their user education , they have been sufficiently exposed to new approaches to schools user education to suggest that for them at least and probably for many other schools traditional school library instruction will not be quite the same again .
12 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
13 Thus , if S subscribes for 200 of these shares and pays the company for them at their face ( par ) value , S 's future personal liability for any debts incurred by the company is nil .
14 ‘ After having been a teacher in my past , my best answer is this : kids always seem to want to learn stuff that 's way to hard for them at the time .
15 Look out for them at major department stores .
16 TRENDY snowboarders now have a one-kilometre ski slope reserved exclusively for them at Nassfeld in Carinthia , southern Austria .
17 There would be no tall good-looking man waiting for them at the Secret Cove and , once there , she found the Place was , indeed , deserted .
18 Sinatra became so fond of the Lawfords that he kept a special room for them at his home .
19 The gardener was waiting for them at the front door .
20 It is extremely likely , also , that someone was waiting for them at their intended destination .
21 Both surprised contemporaries , who had predicted distinguished careers for them at University and Court , when they retired into obscurity , Herbert as a country parson , Ferrar as a Deacon and leader of a family religious community .
22 Various local councillors and moral guardians were waiting for them at the venue , having read local press reports that the Fabs ' travelling show included a rather racy striptease revue .
23 Women have no say in their marriages : often they are married when still babies , or at least by the age of five in a group ceremonial marriage , for youths , held for them at the close of their bachelor hut initiation period .
24 Keep condoms handy , so you do n't have to go tearing around looking for them at that crucial moment .
25 Unfortunately we did n't have room to include the complete rules for war machines and chariots as they appear in the Warhammer rulebook , but you will find a summary for them at the end of the War Machines section .
26 The effect , for them at least , was that these normative bonds were loosened .
27 The take or place booking means that the client will be offered a room if there has been a ‘ no show ’ or cancellation , and failing that accommodation will be found for them at a comparable hotel , usually within the same chain of hotels .
28 ‘ I would n't be able for them at all ! ’
29 The state should give substantial financial inducements to mothers of pre-school children to care for them at home ; because of the economic situation , this may , to begin with , have to be on a sliding scale according to need .
30 Brussels sprouts , baked potatoes , grated cheese , the variation of vegetables in the summer , a tin of vegetarian steak pudding on Sundays and a piece of fruit afterwards is a monotonous but healthy diet , and I ca n't think of many cheaper ways to feed two children and feel you 're doing your best for them at the same time .
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