Example sentences of "for [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 For them the Imperial Sun shines on undiminished !
2 The poet writes for , and gives a voice to , people whose privileged education has closed off for them the possibility of speaking as limpidly and directly as the speaker of ‘ The Widow 's Lament in Springtime ’ .
3 It is Davie 's contention that this view is quite wrong : there are a great many outstandingly talented British poets , including Charles Tomlinson , C H Sisson , Elaine Feinstein and others ( Davie , as distinguished a poet as any of his subjects , modestly excludes his own work ) who do not answer to this description , and one purpose of Under Briggflats is to claim for them the attention they have often been denied ; in some cases , indeed , to rescue them from scandalous neglect .
4 Not for them the hollow reply , ‘ What meeting ? ’ when a call is made to check that they are bringing something to the pot luck supper at school that very evening .
5 For them the role of victim of white gangs is over .
6 For them the MacSharry treatment is grim : slashed prices , grants that taper away with increasing size of farm , and good land forced to lie fallow .
7 It posed for them the question , ‘ Are we still the people of God ? ’
8 For them the choice has been an entry level model pared to the bone , the used car lot or an east European ‘ cheapie ’ .
9 But enough carousing and photographing … would I mind , my Tasmanian countrymen asked , taking the World Cup back to Sydney for them the following morning ?
10 Not for them the worries of an investigative Panorama or Insight team of reporters .
11 But many managers do not have such a background ; for them the need to think quantitatively is sometimes alien , or at least a strain .
12 The chief executive or clerk of a local authority is always anxious to assist members by giving and obtaining for them the fullest information for their work .
13 These caches usually consist of single prey species , and if the predator does not return for them the resulting bone assemblage should consist of more or less complete skeletons from one or a limited number of species .
14 For them the seemingly dead animal is far less enticing .
15 For them the satisfactions of life were probably limited to the pleasures of eating , the gratification of the sexual urge and the uplift experienced in the physical triumph over another creature .
16 Indeed , most of their problems spring from the fact that for them the two functions are deeply connected .
17 For them the comparison must be immediate .
18 Not for them the comfortable life ; they might get ideas above their station , which was to devote themselves to hard labour and be grateful for small mercies .
19 The English liberals studied their seventeenth-century predecessors with great attention — Wordsworth frequently refers with enthusiasm to Milton and Algernon Sidney — but for them the land of the free was on the other side of the Atlantic .
20 Not for them the purposeless Irish custom of the kick upfield which might , with a bit of luck , blunder into touch and ‘ everything can stop for tea ’ .
21 For them the extent of the new prosperity may be doubted , although their relationships with their masters had come to be based on the basis of cash rather than service .
22 Not for them the traditional lunchtime saunter down to the pub , then off to the match with their mates .
23 Not for them the £120,000 customised horse-boxes around them with built-in kitchens , television and sleeping accommodation .
24 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
25 For them the time must have flown by , but for me it seemed as if I 'd been standing out there all morning !
26 For them the khedda is called for .
27 For them the twin notions of ‘ education ’ and ‘ schooling ’ , which are still locked together in everyday parlance , are beginning to tear apart , and there is an uncomfortable sense that the latter may no longer be the best vehicle for the delivery of the former .
28 For them the vital issue of racial identity confusion does not exist .
29 For them the death in our family is the result of their successful and fully justified vengeance-magic in return for an earlier killing in their family .
30 Classical Greece is for them the ‘ prime historical example of the transition to a really literate society ’ without the interference of ‘ other cultural features imported from the loan country along with the writing system .
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