Example sentences of "for [art] great " in BNC.

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1 Here , Mrs Pettifer began to interject but the small gentleman silenced her with a flap of the wrist which was altogether not very gentlemanly and proved too much for the great lady detective who made a more purposeful interjection of her own .
2 BR could claim that even before the Monopoly Commission report 's comments on the need for a new rolling-stock policy it was moving towards the development of stock for use on all regions , having introduced Class 313 25kV AC/750V DC ( dual voltage ) inner-suburban stock in 1976 for the Great Northern electrification scheme followed in 1978 by Class 507 750V DC third-rail stock for Merseyrail ( Midland Region ) ; and Class 314 25kV AC stock in Scotland .
3 She credits the Crystal Palace built by Joseph Paxton for the Great Exhibition in 1851 as the inspiration for later conservatories and ‘ the whole future of growing plants indoors ’ .
4 A nostalgia has become apparent , after an era of aggressive atheism , either for the great organized beliefs or for substitutes chiming better with the would-be freer spirit of the times .
5 Despite popular laments for the great days of Herbert Morrison and ‘ municipal socialism ’ on the LCC , such Tory bugbears as the Merseyside authority and the Greater London Council disappeared from the scene .
6 The family and marriage , in the particular form that it took in Victorian times , was , for the great majority of Engels 's contemporaries a sacred , eternal , and unchallengeable institution .
7 The revolt of the Bonn government against this antique thinking can be seen as the starting point for the great burst of German national assertion which culminated yesterday in the streets of Berlin .
8 President Bush himself , no less , effectively called on Gen Aoun 's loyalist troops to rise against him , but , though some senior officers oppose his high-risk strategies and resent his authoritarian style , they are unlikely to move in the recent climate of public adulation for the great new champion .
9 Apparently it is too old-fashioned and cluttered for the great master to have had anything to do with it — despite the fact that Lord Burlington , the aristocratic architect , was convinced of his having designed it .
10 For some it is cows in flowering meadows , for others , cars and cheap central heating ; and for the great majority , both .
11 ( Dvorak devotees can count their blessings for his stubborn spirit ; the composer 's American patron had requested an opera about Hiawatha for the great occasion . )
12 To prepare for the Great Return , Iraqi workmen were this week assiduously painting zebra-stripes on the deserted streets .
13 It was for the great annual festa of 3 September , with its cattle fairs , bullfights and zarzuelas .
14 Worse was to follow for the great mare , for after winning a match at Punchestown against Buck House ( who the day before her Gold Cup victory had won the two-mile Queen Mother Champion Chase at Cheltenham ) and running second in the Prix la Barka at Auteuil , she returned to the French course in June to attempt a repeat victory in the Grand Course de Haies .
15 For the great mass of Hitler 's audience , the political and economic recovery of Germany , which he was trumpeting as his own personal achievement , was a goal in itself .
16 I wanted to give back something for the great interest and happiness I have had from being able to make music to people .
17 Every king from James I to James V ( though not Mary ) built ; as with the great guns and the great ships , so they managed to find money for the great buildings .
18 This leaves the Philistines [ middle-classes ] for the great bulk of the nation ; — a livelier sort of Philistine than ours , and with the pressure and false ideal of our Barbarians taken away , but left all the more to himself and to have his full swing .
19 However , the set is too dour for the great outdoor scenes of the forest near Fontainebleau , the courtyard of the Yuste Monastery or the Queen 's garden .
20 Unfortunately , in the course of preparing for the great race , I have become aware that the message to visiting runners is : ‘ Go home — dead or alive . ’
21 This means that unnecessary barriers are not created for the great majority of paraprofessionals who must keep working to support themselves and their families and who often do not have the formal academic credentials necessary for university entrance .
22 Here the King 's exotic evergreens were housed during the winter and plans were made for extensive alterations at Hampton Court and for the great gardens at Blenheim and Longleat .
23 1906 is probably best remembered for the great earthquake in San Francisco , which resulted in fire and general destruction of the city ; also the Simplon tunnel through the Alps was completed , allowing railway traffic to pass from one side of that range of mountains , to the other .
24 In the ‘ worst case scenario , ’ say MAFF and DoE , ‘ it is possible that most of the Anglian region would have to be declared a water protection zone as well as substantial parts of Severn Trent and other areas , accounting in total for the great bulk of the UK arable protection area . ’
25 In the mid-1980s the Daily Telegraph probably still spoke for the great bulk of Middle England , when , after Britain had yet again resisted international calls to reduce pollution , it announced :
26 ‘ You can blame Kaiser Bill for the Great War .
27 In 1712 , Atkyns describes a scene of great activity and speaks of Chalford as ‘ a remarkable place for the great number of clothing mills and the great quantity of cloth made there in the neighbourhood ’ .
28 Dada was to be a rallying point for abstract energies and a lasting slingshot for the great international artistic movements ’ .
29 On 15 May 1782 the Weston brothers stood trial at the Old Bailey for the Great Mail Robbery , England 's most famous and costly crime .
30 Once again Philip Yale Drew left for the Great Western Hotel surrounded by wellwishers and admirers .
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