Example sentences of "for [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 The women ended up having to negotiate everything through their husbands , and when they were expected to work for nothing on their husbands ' plots they refused and demanded full payment .
2 Among those to achieve notoriety was US assistant secretary of state George McGhee ( the fact that he had been a Rhodes scholar seemingly counted for nothing on either side ) .
3 Currency exchange negotiations for everyone on the ‘ open ’ market were conducted between the team 's administrator , John Brown , and the hotel 's elderly porter in a lift that went constantly up and down to the top floor until they were concluded .
4 But it is the same for everyone on this world — even for the races that have no talons . ’
5 Under communism there would be no exploitation , and society would be run by and for everyone on the basis of equality and community .
6 That goes for everyone on the mainland as well .
7 He had n't slept in a bed like that before , yet there were all those advertisements for them on television , and they were on display in shop windows and in almost all the big stores in London so that I 'd imagined them in all the houses I could see from the bus .
8 The idea was that the private sector would build and finance a number of roads and the department would pay a rent for them on the basis of how much traffic used them .
9 ‘ We fast for them on their feast days ’ , Augustine had said of the few remaining pagans , ‘ so that they themselves might become the spectacle ’ .
10 Performance of that order behind a BMW badge could shake a few prejudices , but these high-fliers may not be available in right-hand drive form until next year because of the demand for them on the Continent .
11 The idea is that they feed the other side with what appears to be genuine material so as to establish their credibility and then the other side asks them to do things for them on their own home ground .
12 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
13 Actual guides were waiting for them on the Scots side , from the Graham tower , producing a grim smile from Douglas , for one of his principal headaches as Keeper of Liddesdale was apt to be the inroads and cross-border raiding of these same Grahams , Kirkandrews prominent .
14 In the long term , some of the earlier buyers will want to sell their timeshares , and the management company may undertake to do this for them on an agency basis , thus earning additional commission .
15 She thought about them a lot , wondering how it was going for them on their first real day on active service ; the first day , she supposed , of the rest of their lives — of the duration , at least .
16 He wanted us to open up for them on tour , and I said , ‘ No , that 's not what we 're into ’ .
17 Some amateur rose-growers are not interested , but more than just a few regard hybridizing and crossing their roses to see what happens as the summit of the rose-grower 's art , so here is a short discourse for them on this delightful aspect of rose growing .
18 When they did enough to earn wages , they were allowed to keep or spend half , the other half being saved for them on their release .
19 Large transient hotels very often enter into agreements with certain airlines or travel agents whereby they will hold a number of rooms specifically for them on a guarantee basis .
20 Jessye Norman , clad in a tricolour , was there to do it for them on TV .
21 When researchers approach publication there is ample published guidance for them on what their obligations are , and there are well known style guides within each scientific discipline including , in medicine , the Vancouver style .
22 A bond began to be formed when they asked Martin to place protection for them on an icy pitch just below the summit .
23 He used to look out for them on his way to school and on his way home in the evenings .
24 The Court of Appeal of Bermuda allowed the defendants ' appeal and gave judgment for them on their counterclaim .
25 Whatever choice of herb you settle on , before you start to mark the places for them on your paper plan , make sure you know what their final size will be when they are mature .
26 Listen for them on radio and television and look for them in the newspaper .
27 A number of organisations to which we spoke provided ( paid ) training for people filling such positions , despite the fact that they would only be working for them on a casual basis and might even use the skills they acquired working for other organisations .
28 Hurley was waiting for them on the tarmac near the terminal in his big blue BMW 520i .
29 The difference will be that there will be a well motivated , well managed person in place to take personal responsibility for them on behalf of the branch .
30 And all the other farmers were paying the guys who were working for them on the side , ten pound a day , for working from nine o'clock in the morning till about five at night .
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