Example sentences of "for [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Peter was famous for nothing besides denying the Lord and putting his foot in his mouth up to the kneecap on several occasions , but he was chosen .
2 The study of something for its own sake , for the sake of knowing , understanding , grasping it and for nothing else , is an essential characteristic of education , lower or higher , though more obviously of higher education .
3 Those who were kind now would remember him in future — if for nothing else than the thank-you letters .
4 Carry him safely , dismiss him soon ; he will thank you for nothing else .
5 His mind was set on walking down his quarry and had room for nothing else .
6 ‘ I must thank you for this , if for nothing else , ’ she said and , placing him back in Tamar 's arms , turned and went from the room .
7 Reading copy : fit for nothing else .
8 One of the larger , more predatory species should also possibly be considered as they should mix in quite well C. managuense , motaguense , labridens , octofasciatum , bartoni , and friedrichsthalii are all well worth considering if for nothing else , because of their elongated , torpedo-shaped bodies , especially the C. managuense .
9 Thirty years apart in age , they embraced with that warmth of affection which pious women sometimes allow themselves towards each other , knowing that it will be mistaken for nothing else .
10 Sally-Anne deserved punishment for forcing him to do that , if for nothing else .
11 Cared for nothing else . ’
12 To her shame , she 'd postponed her departure to Bordeaux until the last possible moment , hanging round Les Hiboux , hoping against hope that he would come there to find her — to say a formal goodbye at least , even if she could hope for nothing else , she 'd thought achingly .
13 And what is more , the clichés used by Mome Elwis are at least better suited to the cleric than anything the clerk can come out with : ( " I can do no other deed but say my paternoster and my creed to Christ for my misdeeds , and my Ave Maria — I am sorry for my sins — and my de profundis for all who remain in sin , for I am good for nothing else — Christ knows that , the king of heaven . " )
14 Now let's be honest here put yourself in their situation , the obvious thing in the storm and th the water comes crashing over , well you do n't really want to fill the boat with water so you start bailing the water out , when you realize you 're not gon na be successful cos more is coming in than you can get out and the storm is not abating , you would naturally get agitated and if for nothing else , at least you can come and help us to bail out !
15 Well not so much cheaper cos I was most of the time I was doing it for nothing anyway .
16 If she sees him today she might go over there and tell him his name for nothing again . ’
17 But while United strive for the championship , Spurs , for the moment , are aiming for nothing more glamorous than some mid-table security .
18 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
19 The Midland , which introduced free banking in 1984 , said : ‘ You do n't get anything for nothing any more . ’
20 I also spoke of my difficulty in giving talks to the armed forces ; for nothing remotely intellectual was acceptable , and the only use which I felt I could be was in taking along a few maps and indicating the whereabouts of places increasingly mentioned on the wireless or the press ( though they read only the ‘ picture ’ papers ) .
21 Six marks there for nothing really .
22 We give our expertise for nothing really .
23 So I were working for nothing really .
24 The expense would all go for nothing now because the Emperor had just rewritten the social calendar .
25 It was a childhood where she wanted for nothing materially but everything emotionally .
26 If she wanted to give it away for nothing then she would .
27 The land around here will be good for nothing then . ’
28 There 's a hiding for thee when th'gets back from th'gallivanting ! ’
29 In 198l there was a government White Paper entitled New Training Initiatives which set out the aims of these schemes : to develop skill-training , to provide further education or work-related training for everyone up to the age of 18 , and to offer adults the chance to update their skills .
30 Whether you are fascinated by the unusual , or enchanted by sheer beauty , there is something for everyone here .
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