Example sentences of "it have in " in BNC.

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1 Inflation will come down through the use of high interest rates , as it has in the past .
2 Even so , the bulk of the increase would have to come from improved yields , as it has in the past three decades .
3 Actually , once the fund has footed a bill , it has in the past successfully pursued a polluter through the courts .
4 This sense of the word ‘ estate ’ must not be confused with the special meaning which it has in regard to interests in land ( see p. 78 ) .
5 Against the rest of the sector and the market , that looks a good deal less attractive than it has in the past .
6 It was felt at the time that the upward movement was out of line with the underlying trend and the latest figures analysed by Reward suggest it has in fact been short-lived .
7 It has in fact taken over thirty years for the truth about the 1957 Windscale fire to emerge , bit by bit , into the public domain .
8 It has in the past been notorious that a pupil in an English school , having learned French for seven years , and having even passed at grade A at A level , may yet be unable to utter more than a few halting sentences , and be hardly able to follow a simple conversation with a native speaker .
9 Prior approval is not required ( except in SSSIs and National Parks in the UK , but then not from the Agriculture Department ) and in assessing schemes financially , MAFF has disregarded the fact that it has in the past contributed 50–70% of the scheme 's cost and that a high proportion of the profit to be earned is public money in the form of HLCAs .
10 It has in its time been threatened with demolition as a bottleneck , but has been widened and is still happily intact .
11 It has in addition a resplendent meaning in that life before retirement is only childhood and the period of retirement is the time when we reach maturity and realise the full significance of life .
12 It is predicted that such developments will gain common ground in the elaboration of the GUI concept as it has in the computer-aided design world , but will quickly diversify in terms of the actual products which emerge .
13 It has in general avoided strategic issues that would help to identify needs and to assist in co-operation with local authorities ( National Audit Office , 1988b ) .
14 Even now , when it has in plate tectonics a unifying , fundamental theory , much of it remains an observational science , intuitive to the point of subjectivity .
15 It is extremely unlikely that there will be any difficulty — at a general election the returns to the writs will have identified the winners and , nowadays , the oath is unlikely to present any problems , although it has in the past .
16 Apart from several popular Open Gardens events , it has in recent years twice won the North Humberside prize for the Best Kept Village .
17 As I said before , this kind of political analysis has simply not advanced in Europe as it has in Britain .
18 Track one is a growling , clapping disco song with a peace message , but far better to my ears are ‘ Klangers ’ , a similar groove which sounds like it has in fact got The Klangers on it although it 's probably just a synth , and ‘ The Horns Of Jerricurl ’ ( geddit ? ) which unfolds the depths of their groove and lays bare their sense of humour .
19 Expansion can not come , as it has in every previous recession , from the removal of credit controls , since there are none to remove .
20 Historical research has thus proved more successful in demolishing old myths and theories about the relationship between crime and social change than it has in replacing them with sustainable generalizations .
21 If the sport grows over the next 10 years as quickly as it has in the past five , I could make a lot of money . ’
22 Pulling out of the ERM in September and letting the pound float away from the rest of the bunch now looks even smarter than it has in the interim — particularly in the light of Sweden 's experience .
23 Ken , in the event neither fulminated nor frothed , and managed to restrict himself to a 15-minute speech in which he advanced some very cogent and well measured arguments for preventing bolting gaining the same sort of prominence it has in other countries — notably France and America .
24 Minsky is making an interesting and important point here and I shall refer back to it , but for the moment the quotation functions purely as a sample : what it has in common with Turing 's classic paper is that it is not philosophical argument at all .
25 These considerations hold out some hope that , while the problem of maintaining lead times will remain serious , it will remain a manageable problem , much as it has in the past .
26 Sun Microsystems Inc has confirmed formation of the wholly-owned personal communicator unit FirstPerson Inc ( CI No 2,118 ) and says that its key focus will be on developing software that enables different types of digital devices to swap data and work together — it has in mind televisions , radios , satellites and computers — and to license the software and technology to other companies for use in their electronics products , putting it in direct competition with General Magic Inc , while mirroring some of the concepts of the Echelon Corp Local Operating Network ; boss of the new company Wayne Rosen said that FirstPerson has not ruled out collaborating with General Magic .
27 Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates said in a televised interview with CNBC-TV that he knows of no effort by the US Federal Trade Commission to force a restructuring of Microsoft , despite its ongoing probe : ‘ I certainly have n't heard any suggestion that they 're even considering something that would change the structure of our company , ’ Gates said ; he also warned on the Business Insiders programme that Microsoft Corp will not be as profitable in the long-term as it has in recent years — ‘ The kind of profit margin we 've had in the past will be very unlikely for us to achieve in the future ; we 've said after tax margins probably wo n't stay over 20% in the mid to long-term , and they could go quite a bit lower than that in the short-term , ’ the company 's chief executive declared .
28 Without the ERM , countries could competitively devalue their currencies : that would prove as inflationary in future as it has in the past , and it would give rise to the sort of trade frictions that plague the relationship between America and Japan , or worse .
29 It will be better to leave that question , together perhaps with questions about the value of larger totalities of activity of which such university education is a part , until after we have considered what value it has in its own right .
30 SGI 's Irix flavour of Unix is only available to strategic partners — not the MIPS licencees — because of the claimed value-add it has in multi-processing and graphics .
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