Example sentences of "it [is] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When is an item worth over £60,000 ? ? ? … when it 's a prize in an Amnesty raffle .
2 Joseph Noble , the observant administrator , announced to an audience of eight hundred , ‘ It 's famous , but it 's a fraud . ’
3 It 's a very funny joke , but it works at the expense of treating her like a child , which is not at all what the novel usually intends .
4 This is sometimes regarded as old fashioned thinking , unfortunately , and it 's a shame , for although clothes do n't actually make you perform better a good comfortable appearance does give the panel a chance to see how you see yourself and how your body uses clothes .
5 One day it 's a revolution to say fuck on bus .
6 I mean the most exciting moment of all is when you are actually chosen for a part — after that initial excitement it 's a bit downhill — not because the work is n't marvellous but because the first challenge is the peak .
7 When I visit drama schools now — and I firmly believe the professional actor is someone who should remain in touch with students — it 's a matter of trying to help future actors to gain a clearer focus on the profession they are joining .
8 If it 's a general audition , be prepared for anything ; look good and concentrate like mad on your work — always do that anyway .
9 It 's a very physically demanding business ; dancing is a wonderful way of keeping in training and also gives you a bigger scope in theatre these days .
10 Classical acting is really quite a recent thing for me so it 's a case of speaking the verse as naturally as possible but observing it ‘ s rhythms and structure .
11 I think it 's a terribly cruel profession — it 's always YOU that is being rejected , the meat market side of the business .
12 It 's a kind of exam — and it 's important to school yourself to be good at exams .
13 It 's a question of raising the money .
14 We think it 's a false economy , but we can understand that a seaside hotelier , for example , may not want to train casual , seasonal staff .
15 It 's a cyclical process : when the butcher delivers to the kitchens at Morgan Grenfell , Brown enters the details from the delivery note on the computer in his office .
16 ‘ I know this is a bit of an unusual hobby for a restaurateur , but it 's a little dream come true for me and I 'm thrilled to bits , ’ he says .
17 The recipe passed to the Pommery family in 1760 , and now it 's a subsidiary of Amora .
18 It 's a well-founded faith he has developed since Michelin this year singled him out as the only French chef worthy of upgrading to the coveted three-star accolade .
19 It 's a real holiday .
20 It 's a lie .
21 It 's a shame , happening right here at the fête and all .
22 It 's a pity you did n't run into her , Freddy , on your way to the Gents — I presume you were on your way to the Gents .
23 It 's a reception . ’
24 It 's a question of how to get the cream to float on top of the coffee . ’
25 It 's a thought worth considering , sir . ’
26 It 's a pretty bizarre film , but it 's not dark or mean spirited in its intentions .
27 It 's a lovely photograph — I still carry it around with me .
28 It 's a world I can understand , Jeff — not this place .
29 As for the glamour attached to some jobs and not to others : forget it , it 's a sham .
30 It 's a personal thing . ’
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