Example sentences of "it [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 It most be the case if you 're paying a profit to the sub-contractor .
2 Nor , it is submitted , can it properly be regarded as one in pursuance of which possession or ownership passes either .
3 Can it be farmed intensively or should it only be reared extensively ?
4 Here , have a swig of this m'old beauty , and it only be a shilling a pint . ’
5 Would n't it only be right that she should go , too ? ’
6 He considered the focus of the controversy to be the juridical effects of a stipulation made in favour of a third party , which he deconstructed into three questions : can a third party claim directly any such benefit or can it only be claimed through the auspices of a State party ; may the parties to the agreement amend or abolish the stipulation without the consent of the third party ; and need the third party accept the stipulation in order to be vested with the benefit in question ? 120
7 Might it only be rocked by Nan-Nan 's loving hands , she prayed .
8 And could it only be two days since she had realised fully that she loved him ?
9 he was n't going to let them go , I mean we were n't told any of that on the news , there was n't a word of that , it only be that from the papers that we 'd got
10 ‘ Could Beatrice perhaps be getting a bit old in herself , ’ I had suggested , ‘ or could it perhaps be something to do with the accident she had as a child ? ’
11 Paley begins Natural Theology with a famous passage : In crossing a heath , suppose I pitched my foot against a stone , and were asked how the stone came to be there ; I might possibly answer , that , for anything I knew to the contrary , it had lain there for ever : nor would it perhaps be very easy to show the absurdity of this answer .
12 It better be good . ’
13 It better be good .
14 ‘ Had it better be me ? ’
15 And it better be a nice one !
16 Does God 's making of himself known have any abiding content which can be articulated , or can it merely be pointed to and fleetingly glimpsed , but not retained ?
17 Will it just be the material produced by the neatest and cleverest or will an attempt be made to ensure that in turn every child will have a piece of work exhibited ?
18 Ca n't it just be a piece , the bad piece ? ’
19 Could it just be you 've got a closet of your own , d' you think ? ’
20 I mean doing a couple of tables probably wo n't be that hard work cos it just be a case of a list of averages or something .
21 Well no , but and I were just thinking well why ca n't it just be all things together that make us what we are and when you 're trying to find a single thing , the only single thing is the one , which is the unity and then there 's no differentiation but I do n't think that , that we are , we are our body as well and that then can affect the soul you know , if you , if you 've got a big nose and all your life people stare at you you 're gon na , you 're not going to be unaffected by it .
22 Is it a training need , or could it just be the fact that if they pass it on to you , they know you 're dead ?
23 You know this marquis , will it just be
24 Oh oh yes yes the union did erm get that er sorted out you know , and er and then when the buses began to run it made it easier for those worked in Willenhall and er and it just be about threepence of fourpence in our money go there then , but erm and then the hours were altered you see , eight o'clock and finish at six o'clock and er and then it used to be seven to seven you see .
25 Somebody to get the coffin off the boat or would it just be .
26 Or would it just will it just be the same as writing down your name and .
27 But would n't it just be cheaper to buy the new , new , just buy a new , just buy a new panel
28 Exactly , that 's what I 'm saying , so I said to Jess , you know have , just be a bit patient , be tolerant with it because you know , he 's probably feeling , he might , I mean it just be revenge .
29 But may it not be the case , he suggested , that images have already died and we are not aware of it ?
30 ( And why should it not be ?
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