Example sentences of "it [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 When you electrolyse water it splits into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen : positively charged hydrogen ions are attracted to the negatively charged terminal , the cathode , where they react to form hydrogen gas , and the oxygen forms at the positive terminal , the anode .
2 where it splits into all the
3 You start with one and it splits into two .
4 Multi Media is a new and exciting technology , but we must all wait to see what it evolves into .
5 Breed are the kind of band who will begin to write a tormented love song and watch it develop into a bloody massacre .
6 When they suggest a dance to my companion , Wesley , there seems no harm — but it turns into a smooch .
7 When they suggest a dance to my companion , Wesley , there seems no harm — but it turns into a smooch .
8 But John Morgan says : ‘ Dumenil may have put forward some thoughts that might help unit holders , but it needs a lot of thought before it turns into a proposal .
9 But John Morgan says : ‘ Dumenil may have put forward some thoughts that might help unit holders , but it needs a lot of thought before it turns into a proposal .
10 When they suggest a dance to my companion , Wesley , there seems no harm — but it turns into a smooch .
11 Regular usage will help to pinpoint a problem before it turns into a crisis .
12 Top : The excitement of a new pond will quickly wane if it turns into a disaster area overnight .
13 More often , it turns into loss of direction or of purposeful organization , because no one is willing to separate herself from the rest in order to take charge .
14 It turns into a congress .
15 She added , ‘ The station should be cancelled now , before it turns into a radioactive as well as an economic catastrophe . ’
16 But sooner or later it turns into a crisis of resources — practical , personal and political .
17 Well actually pottery is covered in a thin layer of glass , so that when your pot is dipped into the glazed solution , it 's simply a suspension of silicone in water which ride on the surface , to leave a powder , which is really finely ground up sand , when you put that into the kiln to fire at a higher temperature it mystifies it , it turns into glass , now it 's
18 Although it grows from mud , it turns into a thing of great beauty and smells very sweet .
19 Then it turns into self-righteous hypocrisy . ’
20 Look mum all mushy it turns into cream .
21 He 's got and it turns into one of those little you know turtles kids like .
22 The only influence really the woman might have is in the love and affection level of operating , and it 's a very unfair power battle and that is , in fact , what it turns into .
23 And it was penetrating — I ca n't tell you how penetrating — and wet ; it got into all the corners .
24 The government had better learn to reach compromises with its own MPs before it got into a pickle .
25 Some of it got into the car and irritated my eyes : I had to take a hand off the steering wheel to rub them and it was almost wrenched out of my grasp as the car lurched into a hole in the road .
26 And Hardy 's were probably the best known fishing tackle shop in the world and it got into the hands of one of the Hardy 's brothers and he said , ‘ May we market it under your name ? ’ and I said , ‘ My God , I 'd rather have that than a knighthood ’ — this was some years ago — and then Hardy 's were rationalized , which means of course that everything costs twice as much and there was n't as much in the shop .
27 ‘ We shall treat this as a suspicious death ; there will be an autopsy and , of course , an investigation to discover the source of the poison and how it got into the brandy . ’
28 so those houses were all sandbagged , but it , it got into some , the problem was that the , the road closed sign kept blowing down in the wind , I tried to stand it up but it was oh so heavy , I got it up , but it , it immediately blew down again , and
29 So then it got into
30 Dropping the useless stems , she used all her strength to swing her briefcase in a wide arc , bringing it crashing into the man 's stomach .
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