Example sentences of "to a time " in BNC.

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1 Mint turns the clock back to a time when sovereign was king of coins .
2 Mint turns the clock back to a time when sovereign was king of coins .
3 Mint turns the clock back to a time when sovereigns were king coins .
4 This highly characteristic Fifties attitude makes Souza 's work look as if it belongs to a time rather than a place .
5 After a period of slower rise until 10,500 years ago , corresponding to a time known as the Younger Dryas — when ice sheets temporarily advanced again in the Northern hemisphere — a second burst of accelerated sea-level risk took place , at rates similar to the previous acceleration .
6 Right at the end , as McLeish 's teeth were starting to chatter , Davidson confirmed that Penelope Huntley would meet him at eight next morning and he hoped that that was n't too early , sorry , but the lass had been difficult to tie down to a time .
7 Quincx Roirbak was taken back twenty years , to a time when a young student had asked him questions with the same expression of need for reassurance .
8 Fifthly and finally , anyone reacting to a significant loss will come to a time of acceptance .
9 Some of the largest marsupials ( Diprotodon ) seem to have survived to a time tantalisingly close to the present .
10 Now we come to a time when relationships can give extreme joy or extreme pain .
11 It can travel back to a time 200 million years ago , long before human beings existed .
12 Such balances are not normally transferable by cheque and may be subject to a time restriction on withdrawals .
13 Indeed the Director of Kenya 's Institute of Education looks forward to a time when a syllabus may be devised which , in addition to a national ‘ core ’ , has specific defined areas where programmes devised at district or local levels will be developed and implemented .
14 But the beauty and the loving care with which many a smaller city had been built and adorned in the early days of the Greek cities is a vital element in the history of the Greek city , obscurely pointing to a time , not of peace — for in Greece the lion never lay down with the lamb , and neighbouring cities constantly fought each other — but of more equal prosperity .
15 But although the name Roath is an ancient one — it means , in Irish , the forest and therefore dates back to a time when Welsh was borrowing words from Irish , around the 5th century — there was little that surrounded the young Cottle which was in fact medieval .
16 As the Bristol teams , and others who may build on their examples , move forward in their research and their care for families , we can begin to look forward to a time when the tragedy of loss and anguish faced by famous people like Anne Diamond and Julie Walters , and thousands of other ordinary everyday people , may become a thing of the past .
17 If one goes far enough back in United Kingdom constitutional history , one comes to a time when neither Lords nor Commons existed as such and when indeed , it was often by no means certain where the Crown should reside .
18 Now I had never before tried to regress anyone to a time when they were under the influence of anaesthetic , but I decided to do so on this occasion .
19 I 'm missing you all very much and looking forward to a time of sharing and renewal with you in April .
20 His reward for helping to fix the broken-down Time Machine is to travel to a time of his choice .
21 I happened to believe that it was important that they protected this week in the international calendar for Britain , especially as in two or three years time , there is the possibility of it being moved to a time when , in theory at least , it ought to be easier to attract top players .
22 This letter belonged to a time long before he became archbishop , but promotion did not change his mind .
23 It all adds up to a time consuming and often costly exercise .
24 But if we want to consider how life arose , we have to look back a further thousand million years beyond even the earliest micro-fossils , to a time when the earth was completely lifeless and still cooling after its birth .
25 The speaker appears to be generalising to a time which includes her own experience .
26 What happens to a Time Lord who loses his TARDIS , Bernice wondered .
27 Secondly , the figures relate to a time before the recent cutbacks in the financial services sector in the City of London and the intake to such types of work may have declined relatively since then .
28 I read once that when people get old and go senile , they go back to a time in their life when they were useful .
29 I could understand them wanting to escape back to a time when they were ‘ needed ’ .
30 Actually , I have begun to think that I do belong to a time , but it is separated by so many decades from theirs that I reproach myself .
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