Example sentences of "to the next " in BNC.

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1 I just see everyone pissed , or on the Valium , tryin' to get from one day to the next .
2 Did that part lead to the next in any way ?
3 I have been very lucky ; the right opportunities have come along and yet every time you take them you are looking forward immediately to the next challenge .
4 If the system disagrees with the figure entered it will challenge it — otherwise it moves on to the next item .
5 The remaining passengers — there were not many of them — had in the meanwhile managed to make their way , by scrambling from the outside of one car to the next , to the safety of the solid wooden landing stage .
6 Conroy continued up to the next landing .
7 His biggest problem was that because of the way things work in academic life , regardless of whether or not I changed my lectures from one year to the next , I was just about unsackable .
8 The critical moment for harvest varies from year to year and from one plant to the next .
9 Many times the wrong name has gone forwards to the next round because competitors confused who was white and who was red .
10 Yet here , on the verge of the Lowlands , most of the gentry had hedged their bets ; some had even entertained the Butcher as he progressed triumphally from one massacre to the next and had then bought over the gutted glens and stocked them with the great sheep .
11 I went on to the next level to see Midnight Run .
12 Joanne 's commitment to the next 12 months will leave her little time for the hobbies that she enjoyed before tennis came along .
13 Once the basic structure fur a story ballet has been created , the choreographer must find ways of linking the beginning , climax and end so that the plot develops easily from one scene to the next .
14 But technical descriptions only indicate the positions through which the feet and legs should move and at which moment they should co-ordinate with the arms as weight is transferred from one step and pose to the next .
15 From time to time this can be very beautiful but because there is a lack of continuity in the dance movement from one picture to the next , the resultant work often appears static .
16 If you are fitting several lights ( downlighters or eyeball spots , say ) , run this cable to the nearest fitting , and then run cable from this to the next nearest , and so on to the last .
17 As each tread was scraped flush and tamped , we moved up to the next ; when the surface water had run off , the step could be finished .
18 Leaving intellectual content aside , there is an obvious contrast between Norris 's manner , which is in the best English academic tradition , clear , cautious , attentive to evidence , moving from one conclusion to the next , and Derrida 's exuberant obfuscation .
19 This experience is referred to many times in the Cantos : what its author most values in theory , the weighing of syllables in the line and the leading on of the reader 's breath from one syllable to the next .
20 Now we must look to the next stage of development .
21 Although the policy review will be endorsed by the conference , giving Neil Kinnock the freedom to go on to the offensive against the Conservatives in the run-up to the next general election , there are a number of areas of potential conflict .
22 NEIL KINNOCK 'S fragile compromise on black representation was rejected by the Labour conference yesterday , threatening to prolong the internal conflict with black activists through the run-up to the next general election .
23 Even if the Conservatives took ‘ the brakes off ’ in the run-up to the next election , people would not be deceived .
24 He continued : ‘ I am looking forward to the next Labour government throwing out the Tory anti-union laws and giving working people the protection that they need to conduct legitimate industrial action .
25 Gavin Laird , general secretary of the AEU engineering union , said PR would be the remaining burning issue within the party in the run-up to the next election .
26 Which brings us to the next item , the String Quartet No 1 by Srul Irving Glick ( born 1934 ) .
27 The successful delivery of the party 's policy review this week was capped when the conference agreed yesterday to the next major change Mr Kinnock intends to carry through : a diminution in the overwhelming dominance of the union block vote .
28 THE TORY hierarchy was urged by the rank-and-file yesterday to ‘ get off its butt ’ and give more practical support to constituency activists in the run-up to the next general election .
29 I cut the clothing away from the wound and shook a quantity of powder from the tin on to the wound , then on to the next one .
30 When the women gossip at their looms , they do not speak Tolstoy 's pure peasant Russian , but a dialect that differs from one village to the next .
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