Example sentences of "to these [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While all firms have income and retained earnings statements similar to these tables , it is possible for two identical firms with identical cash flows to end up with different reported earnings because they use different accounting conventions .
2 Edward II 's reign saw a battle not just over royal taxes of the clergy , but about the body which should assent to these taxes .
3 In addition to these taxes ( not in Fig. 16.2 ) there were compulsory levies in the form of Social Security receipts ( National Insurance contributions ) from individuals and companies of 38.7bn and community charges of 8bn , raising the burden further on income .
4 Of course the absence of any such response to these sentences in the original version might have been due in part to their location in the story .
5 The western response to these fears can be generously described as indifferent .
6 To these motives for public intervention in education was added , from the 1860s , a growing belief in the need for an educated work-force if Britain was to outface foreign industrial competition of increasing technological sophistication .
7 According to these doctors , when the incriminated foods are avoided , or neutralization therapy provided ( see p 286 ) , the hyperventilation automatically disappears , without the patient even being aware of it .
8 As the volume of private building increases over the two or three years following the proposed changes of policy , local authority housing must as soon as possible be restricted to these objects .
9 Furthermore , the dolphin could relate a sound to an object like a ball or hoop , and thus was able to give vocal labels to these objects .
10 When vision is directed to an object immediately in front of the eyes , objects in the peripheral ( outer ) areas of the field of vision are not seen in sharp focus , so it is necessary to turn the head and direct the gaze on to these objects in order to see them clearly .
11 The meanings that we attach to these objects are not intrinsic to them but are learned through experience and are influenced by our current goals , values and energy levels .
12 When people listen to these thoughts and avoid or escape , this serves to reduce anxiety .
13 Oblivious to these thoughts , he went on , ‘ You 're a very beautiful young woman . ’
14 Common to these readings is the observation of fundamental connections and parallels between the merchant and the monk , not just as individuals but as representatives of late medieval culture in a very broad form : of economic and religious life .
15 I attach great importance to these observations because there is a fashion now in the humanities to deny that the old notion of human nature still has any utility .
16 By way of postscript to these observations , some have discerned in the latest Soviet systems a greater introduction of new technology than is normally the pattern : a reflection , perhaps , of greater design confidence , but just as possibly the expression of worry about the pace of technological change in the present decade .
17 Crucial to these observations are satellites , satellites have the ability to make measurements at least of the surface layer of the ocean on a nearly daily basis .
18 To these titles various laws were added during the Merovingian period , and indeed later .
19 Much of the political reaction to these trends has been unhelpful and alarmist .
20 What social processes contribute to these trends and result in these appointments ?
21 The remaining chapters in this part of the book examine the economic forces which have contributed to these trends and the impact which population change has in its turn had on the spatial organization of economic activity .
22 However , there were notable exceptions to these trends at the level of individual schools and classrooms .
23 The patterns and speed of adjustment of supply to these trends varied among the three major regions .
24 Any rule-based system of morphology is susceptible to these errors .
25 In winter this species is also largely confined to these Harbours , where regular counts between 1964 and 1974 , illustrated in Fig. 7 , fairly consistently recorded flocks totalling 400 to 600 birds between December and March .
26 So every time you return the carriage to the machine , tip it up first to check that nothing metallic ( pins and needles are great offenders , not to mention the double ended bodkin ) has been drawn to these magnets .
27 There is built in to these religions the requirement for self-criticism , a guarding against idolatry , against hypocrisy , against superstition , against injustice , against self- centredness , against self-satisfaction , and against taking refuge in particular rituals or concepts .
28 There was colossal opposition to these developments at the planning stage , but local people 's views were generally ignored by the Tory administration of the day , who basically held the same values as the developers and permitted the schemes .
29 Shortages of skilled manpower and management skills may well be immediately traceable to these developments but they are not , by any means , wholly attributable to them .
30 Yet in contradiction to these developments , which increase state control , there is also the policy of encouraging the market and decreasing the size and scope of the state .
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