Example sentences of "to work [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the intervening two decades , it has gradually dawned on politicians that solutions to today 's environmental problems have to worked out internationally .
2 MacCabe and company had assumed that their location work would prove more than adequate to meet the quota , but then found that they were obliged to do all their processing and post-production work in Hamburg , too -a doubly inconvenient requirement since the local labs are not used to working nearly so quickly as their counterparts in London .
3 The room where the four senior and four junior counsel from Edinburgh would work was fitted out with several very basic trestle tables , not perhaps quite what members of the Faculty of Advocates are used to working on , but Alistair Bruce described them as very resilient people .
4 Lexicographers will normally confine themselves to working on about 1000 of these .
5 Laura certainly brought a missionary zeal to her work ; it was yet another stepping stone which enabled her to cross the gulf from working at home to working outside without associated guilt .
6 I 'm looking forward to working here . ’
7 She has apologised , of course , but I do n't blame her — she was n't used to working here , and she had erred on the side of safety , so all is well , and you , Shelley , had done nothing wrong .
8 In addition to working closely with Government to ensure that fiscal and other financial policies do not create competition barriers for UK industry , he is making harmonisation of financial reporting a priority .
9 Sometimes he thought it was of his own making : he was unaccustomed to working closely with women and this one was still young and attractive which made him self-conscious .
10 LASMO 's managers and staff are committed to working closely with the Governments of the countries in which it operates .
11 I look forward to working closely with you in future .
12 Pat Kennedy has given us much help and guidance in the past and we look forward to working closely with her in the future .
13 Another eight months was devoted to working out the spacing between characters .
14 Many years of research in many places have been devoted to working out the best ways of using surgery , radiation , and drugs to treat each kind of solid tumour and of using radiation and drugs for those disseminated cancers , such as the leukaemias , in which no central growth can be removed .
15 Identifying the triggers or cues for your own behaviour and other people 's provides a useful foothold when it comes to working out how to change or modify behaviour .
16 The logical processes for recognising ‘ nested natural groups ’ do not differ in form from the more sensible logical processes applied to working out evolutionary relationships .
17 Using chemicals can be a tricky business , especially when it comes to working out how much to use .
18 Matsushita said the transaction was subject , among other things , to working out mutually acceptable definitive agreements and their approval by the directors of both Matsushita and Philips .
19 We can choose between accepting the categories already defined , in which case theory remains implicit ; or we can ‘ commit ourselves to working out critical and explicit theory ’ .
20 At the moment unc or ⅓ of the building is lit up , so if half of these are turned off then the problem really amounts to working out ½ of ⅓
21 When it comes to working out how or where he got in the river , maybe we can help .
22 The teacher 's role is to help students to progress from considering what the characters do to working out what they need to say in order to achieve the same result in similar circumstances .
23 In addition to working out equivalences between Advanced level , a one-year BTEC diploma and one-year CPVE , the manager needed also to remember that the upper reaches of qualification under the National Council for Vocational Qualifications ( NCVQ ) would require another exercise in establishing equivalence and balance .
24 Right but then we go on to working out fractions , what 's two fifteenths of a pound .
25 They generally support the notion of a European dimension to the curriculum and voiced a commitment to working cooperatively together .
26 Like many other such dreams , this one did not work out and the reason would seem to be that same old American resistance to working seriously in FI — it happened with Roger Penske , it happened with Parnelli as it was later to happen with Karl Haas .
27 She was used to working only when she felt like it , or the deadline loomed too horridly .
28 In addition to working back from subsequent arrangements , we can use Gregory 's narrative to establish the spheres of activity of the various kings .
29 They are used to working long hard hours and often in their new independent state — with great delight — employ men for menial tasks only , or for other services , as they hint with a smile .
30 Besides offering help with careers and providing educational information which can extend to working overseas and in the voluntary sector , the centre provides a job placement service .
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