Example sentences of "to we [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The trees sang to us of a darkening age
2 Constables know that all radio messages are taped and that the time they take to arrive at calls is recorded , which is often unnecessary , given the competition to beat other stations and colleagues by getting there first , although stories were told to us of instances where people were transferred for failing to respond to a call .
3 Their movement in the oceans speaks to us of freedom , grace and beauty .
4 Day 5 Speak to Us of Giving
5 Then a rich man said , Speak to us of Giving .
6 But the meeting of intellectual endeavour and the Wanderlust , which John of Salisbury so clearly represents , is at least a symbol to us of the channels these influences found .
7 She is better known to us of course as Diana Clunt . ’
8 We are saying at the liturgy we come into God 's presence , we speak with him , offer him our thanks and praise , open our hearts to him especially in our darkest moments and he speaks to us of his love and grace .
9 But the worst silence of all is when we take it for granted that they know how much they are still appreciated and that the calloused hands or fingers are symbols to us of the love and caring poured into our lives .
10 ‘ Lord , you who live outside of time and reside in the imperishable moment , we ask your blessing this New Year upon your gift to us of time .
11 Finally , there is no denying the attraction to us of something which relies on people helping themselves , instead of having help imposed from outside .
12 ‘ The situation in the Far East , in Asia and the Ocean expanses adjoining it , where we are permanent inhabitants and seafarers of long standing , is to us of national , state interest . ’
13 Positively , the theory asserts that there is something about the sensation which correlates with the stimulation being at a certain point , and which can thus , in time , become a sign to us of the stimulation being at that point .
14 This attitude was kept alive by the strong sense of the permanence of human arrangements in the matter of property , which seems to us of all things the least permanent : gifts to the Church were made to last till the Day of Judgement , and many of the documents in the Canterbury archives invoked God and all his saints on the Day of Judgement to destroy those who violated their provisions .
15 If a distribution to shareholders was classed as a form of spending by a company , such payments would be taxed as now , leaving the undistributed profits to accumulate free of tax ; what an encouragement it would be to foreign manufacturers to start business here , with all the advantages to us of new jobs created and a resulting trade improvement .
16 Father , why has no word been said to us of this matter ? ’
17 And the saint has not yet spoken to us of Shrewsbury . ’
18 We look for signs that speak to us of character — good or bad .
19 So we are envious ( and slightly distrustful ) when poets talk to us of love .
20 The knowledge that we now have about fertilization and development of the human ovum speaks to us of the miracle of our existence .
21 Provided people assess their own utility by the quantity of goods that they themselves receive , B is a better allocation than A which in turn is a better allocation than C. But a comparison of A with points such as D , E or F , requires us to adopt a value judgement about the relative importance to us of David 's and Susie 's utility .
22 It is a timely reminder to us of the true value and cost of ’ rediscovered ’ writers , and a challenge to Black women writers , not just in the USA , but throughout the Black Diaspora to get our act together and chronicle our lives and our times for ourselves .
23 Four VI formers , two in their Lower VI year and two Upper VI talked to us of their education and plans for the future under the title ‘ Education for the 1990's ’ .
24 Chairman I have an amendment to that motion , because , because I believe it 's important that we start to identify a lot of councils publish at the end of the year for public consumption a list of the allowances drawn by members , and I think that would be very useful and I would make , as an amendment , I would , would add to the proposal put by Mr that we call for a report to be pu er , to be presented to us of the amounts of allowances drawn by members , each member
25 Right , I 've just got a , two or three minutes , I 've just wan na get something quickly done before we , we close and I 'm not gon na look up all the references , because your get them for next week any way in , in the house group , but , now , now in a sense it 's difficult to understand to take all this in after all his God and were people , how do we understand Jesus , it 's , it 's difficult , however knowing something about them does help us to understand something important , it helps us to understand what happened when Jesus ascended , when he went back to heaven , you see when Jesus arose from the earth the , the disciples who watch him it says there in Acts chapter one , they saw him go up in to the heaven , up into you know in a cloud , have you ever thought what that really means what on earth was it , they saw him go up in a cloud , can you image a sort of great clouds coming and dropping down over the mountain top there and was suddenly whisking Jesus up and then watching Jesus going up in this cloud into the sky , I do n't really think it was quite like that , have you ever wonder why it was that Jesus went up in a cloud , you see what was he doing , he was n't beginning a journey to some far off place in the universe , some distant corner where God the father was , he was n't doing that at all , what do you think a cloud can you , give any suggestions of what a cloud might represent because very often a lot of some of the language in the bible is picture language and it , it , it speaks as something else , what do , what do you think a cloud , does any body have suggestions of what a cloud might speak to us about , or speak to us of , sorry , power yeah , any thing else
26 Having said that , this place has been made ‘ valid through prayer ’ and can be seen as a sacrament of God 's coming to us through the demands of human life .
27 In a similar way the Desert Fathers , whose ascetical practices frequently seem to pass into the range of farce , are regarded at least with affection and more often with deep admiration , partly of course because of the delightful anecdotery that has collected around them , and is known to us through the works of writers like Helen Waddell .
28 That master would seem to have been Taglioni , now filtered to us through the Bournonville version .
29 He reveals him to us through the operas , which ‘ lay at the core of Mozart 's life as a thinking artist ’ and on which Mr Till has worked as a producer .
30 We have also been impressed by the independent influence of family relationships over the generations , an approach which has been brought home to us through discussion with family therapists .
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