Example sentences of "to i the " in BNC.

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1 This , I confess , is to me the real aim of art history .
2 Parajournalism , creating to one side of the actual , seems to me the nub here .
3 Written as a result of attending a Labour Party conference , it was the product of shock at what then seemed to me the amount of time and energy politicians and journalists spent chasing each other 's tails on such occasions .
4 It is now the 6th September and my visits round the Commando units 3 , 4 , 6 and 45 Royal Commando , not forgetting French Commando , have made it clear to me the large number of casualties in this campaign .
5 But consider now a misgiving voiced by Linda Woodbridge and shared by many others : ‘ To me the one unsatisfying feature of the otherwise stimulating transvestite movement is that it had to be transvestite : Renaissance women so tar accepted the masculine rules of the game that they felt they had to look masculine to be ‘ free'' ’ ( Women and the English Renaissance , 145 ) .
6 But to me the excitement of the job is so much that if something comes along , I do n't think twice .
7 Prabhaben , a woman in her thirties , described to me the conditions at the laundry where she works .
8 Clearly the whereabouts of those bottles , and the number of them , had been one of the P'daytabird 's little secrets , for Warnie writes , ‘ Nothing brought home to me the finality of the old life as did the carrying out of those bottles and putting them into [ the ] car — to see the mysteries of that jealously guarded secret room emerge as plain matter of fact bottles , and the cellar stand revealed as an ordinary empty cupboard was an unpleasant feeling . ’
9 To me the real distinction is not high and low , but between religion with a real supernaturalism and salvationism on the one hand and all watered-down modernist versions on the other . ’
10 I imagine that many honest people would sympathise with Weatherhead and happily echo his final paragraph : ‘ All this gives me as much as I need , and seems to me the essential credo of Christianity .
11 It seems to me the only people who do persist in that phase and make something tenable out of an unsatisfied , unsettled life , are rock musicians , and rock critics .
12 And Mr Hawick did n't seem to me the kind of chap who 'd put up with that . ’
13 The gesture revealed nothing of that woman 's essence , one could say rather that the woman revealed to me the charm of a gesture .
14 Mary Knelle pointed out to me the green ridges on almost perpendicular fields that showed where potatoes had been grown before 1847 .
15 This was evident to me the first time I attended a Karajan rehearsal , and even more so in the first of our long conversations .
16 I dare not ask directly what is the precise matter but I see in Mr Browning 's eyes an anxiety deeper than usual and he confessed to me the other day that he fears there may be water on the lung .
17 An evening like most others in that house , but to me the first of a changed life .
18 To me the story — egotistical as it is — rings true .
19 This touching but morbid In Memoriam served only to bring home to me the realisation of what now seemed inevitable .
20 This seemed to me the greatest achievement of the afternoon ; some people do n't even learn to think for themselves at university .
21 ‘ It seems to me the whole set-up is racist , ’ said Robyn .
22 I wonder if you would be good enough to sign and return to me the attached letters of intent , in your capacity of Assistant Managing Director of the Division ?
23 I had felt at the instant the idea suggested itself to me the first glimmer of positive thought : suddenly I knew I was not going to sink .
24 ‘ Oh , he was rather offensive to me the other day . ’
25 Mr Jones mentioned them to me the other morning .
26 Could you please explain to me the principle behind these phases ?
27 I was so much convinced that I should get Roux 's result in all its features , that even in spite of the whole blastula , I now expected the next morning would reveal to me the half-organization of my subject once more ; the gut , I supposed , might come out quite on one side of it , as a half-tube , and the ring of cells might be a half one also .
28 ‘ The Lord said to me the day before , ‘ You 're not going to make it out of your heat tomorrow ’ .
29 The following case study is unusual because Charlotte ( not her real name ) had not revealed to me the actual reason why she felt the need for aromatherapy .
30 The fact that I was in a prison camp at all should have made clear to me the ruthlessness and irresistibility of the stampede .
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