Example sentences of "to be a " in BNC.

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1 Right there are two kinds of courts that policemen , well there 's several kinds of court , but the main courts that policemen go to are a magistrate 's court where there is what 's known as , they are magistrates or JPs , Justice of the Peace , and they sit there and you have to give evidence .
2 Yes — but you are not expected to be a nurse .
3 While pneumonia continues to be a common occurrence , by 1989 improved treatment had reduced the numbers dying as a result to only 3% .
4 ACET aims to be a practical resource to local churches and Christian organisations seeking to prevent new infection and provide basic community care .
5 We can start with Baudelaire , sometimes considered to be a father of modern criticism .
6 Barr , in what used to be a general policy for museum curators , was not writing a passionate defence of the work his museum exhibited .
7 As he explained : ‘ My starting point has to be a vision , otherwise I can not do anything .
8 It is intended to be a contribution to the history of style rather than of individual artists .
9 Here the writer is likely to be a practitioner , and the approach may defer to the popularity of the medium as a pastime for amateurs .
10 anyone who expects this book to be a treatise on the history of landscape painting will be disappointed … in spite of copious rewriting , lectures these pages remain .
11 The catalogue raisonné continues to be a key document for authentication of an artist 's work .
12 One of the most beautiful of these represents a thirsty man , whose desire for water is represented in the most lively manner as he kneels on the ground to drink from a spring , with such wonderful reality that one might imagine him to be a real person .
13 The gangs exist as intimations of a power which cancels Ahmed 's claim to be a revolutionary leader .
14 The poor little rich boy was looked after by a second mother in the person of strict Ilse , from Germany : this did a great deal , but not enough , to relieve the isolation he felt — which , as his researches disclosed , was to be a factor in the isolation and rejection suffered in turn by his younger brother , who also left for the Mediterranean .
15 This appears to be a key point , but it is one that is left controversial .
16 Many poems contain a critique of poetry , just as many contain a critique of the self-portrayed poet , and of his intention to serve a social or doctrinal system , or of his claim to be a special case .
17 The Ethiopian book , published in Britain in 1983 , showed him to be a writer interested in ‘ autocrats ’ — in absolute power and in the transformation of that power into its indistinguishable opposite .
18 He visited them in Egypt , accompanied by a girl he 'd met in a bar , who proved to be a lesbian .
19 These pictures , rarely cordial , have become more and more baleful : it is as if he is holding himself back from physical assault on a reader supposed to be a trendy and a lefty , which is , indeed , what many of his readers have always been .
20 And even Jenny , who is meant to be a mistress of plain speech , is allowed , in this comparatively austere book , a quiet felicity of phrase based on the justice of her perceptions .
21 Making difficulties just so as to be a person .
22 Between men and women , too , there is said to be a barrier .
23 Beyond this , the use of biography , its actual ability to throw light ( rather than just to be entertaining and nice to have around ) , seems to be a fantasy .
24 The Facts shows signs of a wish to be ‘ reconciled with the tribe ’ , and indeed to be a ‘ nice fellow ’ .
25 At the same time , the article is tainted by what seems to be a desire to inflict damage on Levi 's reputation , of a kind which may be thought to serve the ideological tendency of the magazine in which it appeared .
26 Levi 's double life as chemist and writer suggests that if art and work need to be separated , according to a certain sense of what it is to be a Jew , art and work are nevertheless very often the same .
27 Ronnie , I think , could be held to be a precursor of P for Patrick Doyle in Kelman 's novel of 1989 , A Disaffection .
28 His relationship with the kids is one between equals , but they also seem to expect him to be a wise man , and this is what he sometimes expects of himself .
29 The average age of entry for the diploma course is between 18 and 20 , though some schools accept entrants as young as 17 , others students up to 30 : age between these limits is not likely to be a problem provided the candidate shows talent , flexibility and motivation .
30 This used to be a lot easier to do than it is now : for one thing , working in the profession means that you have to belong to the actors ' union , Equity .
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