Example sentences of "i to the " in BNC.

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1 Er I to the campaign which is taking place .
2 I to the school after I was fourteen just for a wee while .
3 Danger of doing something irrevocable and wrong because initial impetus lost and clue that will lead me to the centre not yet found .
4 A word from me to the Commissioners might have swayed the sale in Phipps 's direction .
5 He grabbed my elbow and dragged me to the door .
6 If my wife manages to elbow her way past me to the book first , she 's immediately led astray by extras like ‘ free use of private beach ’ , ‘ heated swimming pool ’ or ‘ wine-tasting ’ .
7 He introduced me to the Branch Secretary , Forbes , who I found less congenial , more prone to rhetoric , though at his level I daresay it was expected of him .
8 Mellowes has assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants , then to those of the statistical clerks .
9 After some tricky aid above the pegs , a section of typically marvellous free climbing , on pockets and depressions with target features reasonably near at hand , took me to the edge of the abyss — a blank wall with a piece of tat weaving , taunting , 40 feet above .
10 There were peaks in view that reminded me to the Matterhorn , of Ober Gabelhorn and Wellenkuppe .
11 The next time they took me to the room , a man and a woman were waiting .
12 ‘ A letter dropped through the post from the President of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro , inviting me to the funeral , ’ said John Kennedy , a Conservative Party member who lives in Barking and is a distant relative of Nicholas .
13 Sure enough , a high-pitched peeping drew me to the stable , and there on the floor was the hen with one minute black puff-ball of a chick .
14 Richard played me their record and invited me to the end of recording party .
15 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
16 I 'm eight and a half years old and disgusted that my mother has to come with me to see A Hard Day 's Night when usually she just sees me to the edge of the estate and across the main road .
17 She left us there a few minutes , then , coming to the door , beckoned me to the next room .
18 ‘ Can you direct me to the private wing ? ’
19 Like when we go to the laundrette , or she takes me to the swimming baths to have a hot shower .
20 She puts her hands on my shoulders and steers me to the chair .
21 Sister Agnesey leads me to the bed on which lies Maria Frantzia , the old man 's wife ; she smiles and we exchange a few words .
22 ‘ When Peter invited me to the club I knew that Dusty was retiring and that there would be a place up for grabs .
23 The official referred to me to the Homeless Unit .
24 Just what routes will logic produce to lead me to the complete knowledge of the nature of a flea ? …
25 Then I knew he was writing poetry alone , without me , and that hurt me to the depths of my being .
26 Shine through the gloom , and point me to the skies :
27 Every man who can beat me to the Windmill is excused all fatigues .
28 ‘ Even if he does n't send me to the Glasshouse , I 'm done for .
29 Looking forward to the circus , but could I ask you not to throw me to the lions until I 've got my accounts in order ?
30 That cultural regulation , as we have seen , is controlled by men , for ( and this brings me to the third point ) , within this scheme of thought , woman herself is placed more fully within the realm of nature than man in consequence of the fact that more of her time and her body are seen to be taken up with the natural processes surrounding reproduction of the species .
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