Example sentences of "i hold [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is the unity of the moment : different tactile and proprioceptive sensations amount to a coherent body image ; different visual sensations cohere to a visual field ; and sensations from different modalities converge to a general sensory field , an organized moment-by-moment presence of a world , so that the feeling in my hand as I hold a stone , the sight of the sea and the sound of the seagull behind me are all not merely present but co-present .
2 ‘ As I hold a season ticket I had no occasion to call in at the booking office .
3 I hold a great enthusiasm for exotic foliage plants and have started to expand my collection .
4 7.30PM With a group of friends , I hold a post-curfew vigil of the escalating violence and fires .
5 I hold a Press conference .
6 I hold a trump card !
7 I hold no brief for Britain in this war , but now I 'm convinced Germany 's no better .
8 I know beyond question that I am Oedipus and he is I. I should make it clear that I hold no truck with the theory of reincarnation ; it is just as clear to me that I am Marie Romanov , whose life overlapped with mine .
9 I can assure you , I hold no brief for these wretched people , but as I said , I have had some experience — ’
10 I hold no strong views myself , but I do wonder what the lady would have done had the man produced from his bowler hat a valid membership card .
11 I hold no specific brief for the Baxter scheme , but it has attempted to demonstrate that alternative schemes could be produced that would retain the Government 's proposal for a terminus — an interchange — at King 's Cross , but states that the plan would be more satisfactory if it were achieved without creating an enormous hole in the ground which British Rail proposes , with all the consequent destruction of homes , jobs and local neighbourhood .
12 Yet I hold the town close to my heart , for it is the birthplace of many a dream and memory : it is winter , it was always winter and cold , I am alone on the beach building a secret world , a sand landscape of hills , mountains , ravines with bridges , towns and harbours .
13 Mr Straw stated quite unambiguously that ‘ I hold the view that citizenship should be taught in every school , to every child , in a systematic way . ’
14 I hold the rod parallel to the ground over my right shoulder , with the butt pointing at the target , glance at my rod-tip and tackle to make sure everything is free , then look at the target and keep my eye on it while I push with my right hand and pull with my left .
15 Nothing happens for quite a while , then the rod-tip trembles , so I hold the rod in one hand and the line in the other .
16 ‘ If I feel the tension building up behind my temples , I hold the crystal tightly in my right hand and I can feel the pain slowly seeping away . ’
17 I hold the instrument , ’ he added , when the driver made as if to grasp it .
18 I hold the book
19 He 's so good , I hold the mares when he mates with them .
20 ( Because I do n't tie the yarn to the machine , I hold the end instead , beneath the machine , for the first few rows , while maintaining enough tension to help the edge stitch ( knit . )
21 So long as I hold the office of Home Secretary , I shall give no countenance to the view that they should not be prevented from being such a danger . ’
22 ‘ The Nordic Final is being held in Finland on a track where I hold the track record , ’ said Rickardsson .
23 I hold the view very strongly — and I know I have been criticised for it — that when a government has not got great experience , is a minority government , it is essential if you can possibly support it that it should be able to speak with a strong voice to the countries of the world .
24 Before Ma left me to collect my new sister from Maternity I would not have been able to execute this upward stretch unaided , now I hold the pose perfectly , without touching the chair back .
25 I hold the splendid daylight in my hands Inwardly grateful for a lovely day .
26 He runs the match beneath while I hold the tube in my mouth , in the light of the desert green neon , with Billie Holiday oozing from the stereo .
27 It explains in part why I hold the political philosophies I do .
28 I hold the little white bottle .
29 The only powers that control fate are the Gods , and so when Tamburlaine mentions in a conversation which he has with Theridamas that he controls his own fate , this implies that he believes he is a God : ‘ I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains , and with mine hand turn fortune 's wheel about ’ .
30 I hold the bunch stiff as a tennis racket waiting for a serve .
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