Example sentences of "i [vb base] they " in BNC.

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1 Me eat them ?
2 I hide them . ’
3 There are the odd ones when Bill sells them I hide them somewhere and he 'll say ’ It 's got to go , it 's got to go !
4 The winning ways of the Yorkshire pair , Deric and Ian Baxter , were explained laconically by son Ian : ‘ I belt them and he prods them . ’
5 I commend them , and the area over which they preside , to adventurers and explorers of all ages , and especially to sufferers from urban depression for which they are the perfect tonic .
6 I commend them to your care .
7 I commend them to the house .
8 Our amendments would er restore democratic accountability for police authorities , they would remove the proposed concentration of power in the hands of the Home Secretary and I commend them to the Committee .
9 I despise them , ’ says Stuart Ellroyd , a seaman from Liverpool .
10 On the other I sell them to make a living . ’
11 Will I get in the er if I sell them back ?
12 Oh , how I do like those lines , and when I repeat them now it brings back so many happy memories of that scamp of a grandfather of mine .
13 So be it but , remaining as I am of the view that they were a correct expression of the law , I repeat them as part of the ratio of my decision in this case .
14 I designed them and I service them .
15 At first I thought that was why the police wanted him , because the sort of way we were thinking in there had been definitely subversive , I mean they do n't teach you that in school eh !
16 I mean John Knox and Martin Luther Thingmy , I mean they built the Kirk on the tenets of independence .
17 Well , I mean they need to be managed .
18 ‘ Regrettably , our ancestors of some thirty-five centuries back do n't seem to have given too much thought to posterity , by which I mean they left no records to satisfy their descendants ’ intellectual curiosity .
19 I mean they 're normal to us but they 're not normal to other people , so why should we make them normal to them , just to please society ?
20 I mean they 're not they have n't sort of died out
21 I mean they were on farms all round here and erm people used to , they used to do a lot of toys .
22 We 've got two officer 's for example who are leading on working the young people in the town , Youth Development Officer 's er we , the Local Government Unit has a policy team initiated work on the youth policy , and this arose out of erm a member seminar 's , September eighty nine , where er the members felt that really the Council was n't doing enough for young people , that we as a Council , not not to think about young in the way we deliver our services and it was felt that we needed to go out and talked to young people , which we did in the winter of that year , erm and find out what they wanted from us , and the res as a result of that , that , that policy , and that consultation exercise has now developed into a front line service where we have two people full time working with young people in the town and that 's on various things , graffiti project , the underpasses in the town we , which have got graffiti type I mean I know there not everybody 's cup of tea , but I mean they way .
23 But I mean they are there to provide advice and we do get an awful lot of case work .
24 The big step is then getting the rest of the Council to take it on board , that 's the big step , you know , leisure , the neighbourhood office 's , I mean the neighbourhood office 's are quite good , I mean they 've got a , they 've got a budget , a development budget , and like in Katherines and Sumners I know that a large proportion of the development budget there went on projects for young people , you know , so there are using there money .
25 I mean they should be fully a aware of of of our
26 I mean they could could n't they sponsor us to do it or something ?
27 But whether that is acknowledged by our Friends of the Earth I do n't know because I mean they have so many stamps and seals on
28 But that 's so quickly out of date again you see the good wood cos I mean they they have new government schemes , schemes every year do n't they ?
29 I mean they could give you a decent stand to put it in cos I hate those ones at Sainsbury 's .
30 Cos that , I mean they 're always going to be useful I use them myself and I expect you all
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