Example sentences of "it at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , if you have a young family and feel water might be a hazard , the feature could become a raised sandpit or planter , which naturally gives you the opportunity of converting it at a later stage .
2 A common mistake is to try to use lift on the way back instead of gliding on through it at a sensible speed .
3 If it did not exist , would anyone trouble to invent it at a time when , from the Atlantic to the Urals , socialism in all its manifestations is losing the argument to liberal capitalism ?
4 The Labour administration approved the scheme wholeheartedly in 1986 , and used it at a public inquiry to try to oppose the imposition of more A-road architecture on the site approved by the previous Tory administration .
5 It 's edited by Outdoor Action 's editor Laura McCaffrey and we are offering it at a very special price .
6 Hence it was decided to remove this ceiling and its supporting joists and to resite it at a higher level .
7 It would have been foolhardy to risk weakening it at a time when the Cold War was about to turn hot in Korea .
8 Far from reducing taxation , as we had been elected to do , we would have to raise it — and raise it at a time when local councils were already pushing up rates .
9 Diluting it and mixing in it into slurry lagoons or spreading it at a low rate on grassland was a method used in the past , but even that may not be possible now .
10 Instead of bowling the ball , which bore a small silver shield , Mr Cottle threw it at a low-flying swan .
11 There was a small gap in the fence that was unaffected by the pile-up and we approached it at a forty-five degree angle .
12 The orchestra was not playing it in time , so I made them rehearse it at a slower tempo .
13 A BUGATTI motor boat found resting in mud in France is to be flown to its wealthy owner in California next month , 10 years after work began on restoring it at a Thames boatyard .
14 The question was asked : we know that he is a sound and effective Prime Minister ; but is he also a leader who can save the Conservative Party from the fate that undoubtedly awaited it at a general election had Mrs Thatcher remained in office ?
15 ‘ The Scots do n't look very … amusable , ’ drawled Georgie , picking a bit of 1,000-year-old stone off the wall behind him and aiming it at a tent-peg .
16 Duke reckoned it at a mile and three-quarters ; the most conservative estimates put it at over a mile .
17 ‘ David played it at a soundcheck and when I asked him if it was about Shaun he just smiled and then denied it .
18 By this means a government can ensure that part of the supply of foreign exchange is surrendered to it at a low price to be used to satisfy the demands of privileged groups , including itself , while the remainder is left for more or less free disposal by the recipient enterprises , either on an official market at a more favourable rate , or on a free or ‘ black ’ market .
19 Some people discover this element of themselves while still very young ; others come to it at a much later stage in their lives — and others never manage to find it at all .
20 Negative programming can be general or specific and , unless something is done about it at a later date , its effects can last a lifetime .
21 Saver Plus — the ideal combination if you are looking to make the most of your surplus cash but may need to call on it at a moment 's notice .
22 This argument tacitly assumes that once the collapse begins there is no hope of stopping it at a later stage .
23 In the IR spectrum of this molecule already mentioned there is one strong absorption and a much weaker one associated with it at a slightly different frequency .
24 The firm collects the waste in lorries and processes it at a plant in the village of Cam Brea , producing 5 tonnes of black tin per week .
25 You erect a radar dish several metres across in your garden , point it at a satellite in the sky and dip into the menu of television and radio programmes that are continually being bounced across the world by broadcast stations .
26 ‘ The money we 'll get for the house , if we 're lucky enough to sell it at a good price , will just about pay the bills . ’
27 It remains only for you to locate one and buy it at a reasonable price .
28 At first I thought he was using it to wave at people , but then he bundled it up and threw it at a police car .
29 When you are pre-recording the music , remember to record it at a constant high level so that you can make all the downward level adjustments when the final transfer is made onto the video tape ; this minimises tape hiss .
30 A dozen years ago , half ICI 's sales were in the UK , tying the company 's fortunes to Britain 's anaemic manufacturing industry and putting it at a colossal disadvantage to rivals in more robust economies ; last year , the proportion was down to 21% , against 31% in the Americas , 25% in continental Europe , 17% in the Asia-Pacific region and 6% elsewhere .
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