Example sentences of "it is know " in BNC.

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1 Often people maintain that it is knowing your stuff that really counts and behaviour is just the icing on the cake .
2 It is not difficult to learn a simple technique of inducing a hypnotic state in another person — it is knowing how to deal with that person once he is hypnotized which is important , and not to be indulged in for fun .
3 It is knowing that you are capable enough which is the difficult thing .
4 For example , it is know that leukotrienes are potent chemotactic compounds .
5 Erm I have said all erm conservation processes have been out it is know as a sham , because they have their numbers quite determing of course what this intention er that proper consultation so this time round .
6 What a relief it is to know the name of the instrumentalist or conductor concerned and to listen to a programme of records where music takes precedence over ‘ talk for talk 's sake ’ .
7 Being robbed is losing the confident skin you have grown naturally ; it is to know it can happen to you and if it has happened once …
8 Rather it is to know him personally , intimately .
9 How comforting it is to know that Charles can communicate so well with people who are 40 or 50 years older than himself .
10 The first , associated with Descartes , starts by considering the challenge of scepticism , the claim that knowledge is impossible ; and hopes in answering this challenge to be driven to expose the nature of what it is to know , from which the possibility of knowing will follow .
11 To know this is part of competence with the concept of B ; part of what it is to know the meaning of ‘ B ’ .
12 This criticism depends on a view about what competence with a concept is , a view about what it is to know the meaning of a word , about what it is to know the rules for the application of that word , rules that take you from one instance to the next .
13 This criticism depends on a view about what competence with a concept is , a view about what it is to know the meaning of a word , about what it is to know the rules for the application of that word , rules that take you from one instance to the next .
14 Equally , what an encouragement it is to know that there is , in struggling Christians on earth , one of the Godhead who ‘ is around ’ on our behalf ; and that when we are agonising in prayer , we do not approach the Almighty on our own , in all our poverty .
15 If you knew how terrible it is to know suddenly …
16 In the end , said , ‘ it 's all about getting to know the client 's business and having a partner assigned to that client whose job it is to know it and what it does or does not want ’ .
17 Other examples of biological control , as it is known , are the use of encarsia parasites to eradicate glasshouse whitefly , and Bacillus thuringiensis , a natural bacteria that kills cabbage caterpillars .
18 It is known as a speech output system because there is evidence that a quite separate lexicon is involved in speech perception .
19 It is known , rather alarmingly , as a chronic condition .
20 The Laser project , as it is known , has its supporters in the government though Mr Chirac is not one of them .
21 ( The Cincinatti Corollary , as it is known , is to stay in the departure lounge until the aircraft leaves .
22 This implied that only in the sphere of the mathematical sciences can the human intellect attain knowledge that is as objective and as certain as it is known to the divine mind .
23 In extreme cases , say of a family from the remote rural areas of Azad Kashmir , if the mother has just had a baby , it is known for daughters of twelve to stay at home from school for weeks , do all the cooking , look after the younger children and generally run the home .
24 ( It is known that performance deteriorates after several hours of work. ) 3 .
25 The M2 , or Alligator as it is known in West German service , is a vehicle the size of an average forty-five-seater passenger coach , and is essentially a self-propelled bridging pontoon .
26 Yet here in the Golden Crescent , as it is known , there are no Colombia-style confrontations .
27 Mr Terry Roberts , a district public health adviser , started the Aids Truck , as it is known by its clients , two years ago .
28 Others within the newly united Zanu-PF , including the Provincial Chairman , Mr Eddison Zvobgo and Mr Dumiso Dabangwa , have gone on the record against a one-party state and it is known that many in Mr Nkomo 's Zapu , as well as several middle level Zanu officials , are also opposed .
29 It is known locally as ‘ Chapel Village ’ , because the Gothic windows of the cottages have a mildly methodist look .
30 Despite its readability the Principles , as it is known , was neither well received nor , in Berkeley 's view , properly understood .
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