Example sentences of "to [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 When things go wrong , they will want more to turn to than a toll-free telephone help-line .
2 A pretty pass we 've come to if a man ca n't have a friend without being labelled queer . ’
3 The priority numbering system will be strictly adhered to unless a specific request is made by the Project Director to the New OED Computer Group or his appointed deputy .
4 That the Agenda order is strictly adhered to unless a motion is made to alter the order .
5 But the question must remain as to whether a Japanese giant with five times the turnover of the Virgin group will be content to stay a minority player in the long term .
6 Sir : Your Outlook Column ( 3 October ) ended with the statement : But the question must remain as to whether a Japanese giant with five times the turnover of the Virgin Group will be content to stay a minority player .
7 A cinema organ is like a big jelly mould , illuminated from within , a most spectacular thing that changed colour according to whether a major key or a minor key was being played .
8 There is some doubt as to whether a latent inhibitor can produce this effect .
9 Controversy really begins when there are varying views as to whether a house is worth saving .
10 It depends upon the problem of each horse as to whether a Chambon or side-reins are used .
11 In many situations there is little real choice as to whether a verbal or written presentation is desirable .
12 It is about morality , and morality can not be judged according to the quality of our intentions , or according to whether a practice is socially sanctioned .
13 As to whether a preserved aquarium is required , or merely a preserved fish , the text is unclear .
14 Jung 's distinction drew attention to whether a person relates predominantly to others and less to the self or vice versa .
15 It was interesting to note that the responses to the CRUS question as to whether a member of library staff was designated as training officer also indicated that title held is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
16 If there is any doubt as to whether a proposed course of action is consistent with the EC competition rules , you should , where appropriate with professional advisers , discuss the draft agreement or proposed arrangement with DG IV .
17 To do this the Commission must have regard to barriers to entry likely to deter new market entrants and to whether a result of the merger is likely to be a significant raising of those barriers .
18 A test was laid down in 1987 as to whether a vehicle was intended or adapted for use on roads .
19 Teachers should enquire as to whether a low vision aid would be appropriate for an individual low vision child in their class .
20 Ordnance survey maps and even road atlases will give an approximate guide to whether a shore is rocky , sandy , or shingle .
21 Elsewhere , opinions differ greatly as to whether a move into care management is a move towards management or a further development of practice .
22 There was some confusion in court as to whether a private prosecution can be withdrawn once it has been decided that there is a case to answer .
23 The question as to whether a specific hypothesis is confirmed or not confirmed by the data is in principle different from the issue of whether the research findings can be generalized to a wider population .
24 During 1988 there was considerable uncertainty as to whether a slowing down of spending was taking place .
25 These validity studies compared clinical opinion as to whether a respondent showed signs of dementia with their score upon the scale .
26 The Department of the Environment has become involved in discussions as to whether a local authority was entitled to specify that a contractor for refuse collection must hire council vehicles , or to refuse permission to outside tenderers to use a council depot ( Hughes 1989:20 ) .
27 A question was raised in the 1978 Special Commission as to whether a ‘ judicial authority ’ meant a judge .
28 He found no dissent from this view , although there was disagreement as to whether a State whose security was affected by the conclusion of a treaty between other States could likewise intervene .
29 The decision as to whether a family will be started and how large it will be rests with the Parents to a greater extent than at any time in history .
30 So there is liable to be a very different result according to whether a recall test is carried out within 24 hours , or a week , or three months , of an ad appearing : and ‘ pre-tests ’ , based on showing an ad to consumers before it appears , and finding out what they remember of it within minutes , can be almost totally irrelevant — except as an indication of intelligibility .
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