Example sentences of "to [verb] how " in BNC.

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1 She went from being childish , not caring for social conventions and so spoilt that she could follow any whim she liked , to realising how nai ‘ 3vely and shameful her ‘ rebellion ’ really was .
2 The supporters at Devonshire Park are looking forward to seeing how Pam handles the transfer from the U.21 event to the senior event .
3 We look forward to seeing how minerals local plans will provide ‘ an adequate and steady supply of aggregates [ to ] meet the needs of the community and [ ensure ] economic growth is not hindered ’ ( MPG6 paragraph 9 ) , without causing unacceptable damage to the environment .
4 We also look forward to seeing how development plans will ‘ ensure development and growth is sustainable ’ ( PPG12 ) by reducing the demand for natural resources such as aggregates .
5 We look forward to seeing how minerals local plans will provide ‘ an adequate and steady supply of aggregates [ to ] meet the needs of the community and [ ensure ] economic growth is not hindered ’ ( MPG6 paragraph 9 ) , without causing unacceptable damage to the environment .
6 We also look forward to seeing how development plans will ‘ ensure development and growth is sustainable ’ ( PPG12 ) by reducing the demand for natural resources such as aggregates .
7 We look forward to seeing how Council develops its strategy in light of the consultation .
8 The specific observations of neurophysiologists , correlating stimulus properties , neural activities and the characteristics of subjective reports of sensation , contribute to explaining how ‘ the diversity of working produceth a diversity of experience ’ only if we have already explained how ‘ working ’ produceth ‘ experience ’ at all .
9 A large section of the report is devoted to explaining how Blake 's mail , visits and his Arabic correspondence course were all carefully vetted by MI5 in case they contained coded messages from the Russians .
10 Smith devoted some space to explaining how , imbued with martial spirit , yeomen followed the lords of whom they held their land to war , serving on foot as archers .
11 Meanings are crucial to understanding how England lived with chaotic marriage and no divorce for so long before changing the rules governing personal relation-ships decisively .
12 Do we have here a key to understanding how lemmings , eels and other creatures gained their instinctive knowledge of the changing planetary geography ?
13 One major response , of particular relevance to understanding how executives can initiate and implement corporate crime , is called the ‘ conforming deviant ’ .
14 Much of the evidence discussed in the next few chapters will rely on EEG and other electro-physiological information , and some understanding of the basis of these measures is essential to understanding how we know what we do about sleep .
15 Hacker 's argument in her article , ‘ Women as a minority group ’ ( 1977 ) , may prove a useful guide to understanding how higher education is experienced by women .
16 Sociology and anthropology were the application of these principles to understanding how people behave .
17 Now comes the key to understanding how such collaborations come about .
18 It was a political culture which emphasised the democratic assumption that opinion was not merely of passing interest but an important guide to understanding how people would react to various policies .
19 For those that like " -ism " sorts of names , the aptest name for my approach to understanding how things work is probably " hierarchical reductionism " .
20 They might not , however , follow Marx and Engels in their conclusion that the system on which their own society is based will therefore also be overthrown , but it is difficult to seen how such a conclusion can be avoided .
21 I 'd like to seen how they did the , the ribbon book out of the heart
22 If you could imagine yourself being without the radio , T. V. , or telephone then you just might come close to imagining how difficult it must have been to spread or hand on the message of Christianity .
23 Kenneth Branagh may or may not make a convincing Hamlet , or Henry V , but his interpretation is unlikely to be dissected by an audience of Scandinavian princelings or British monarchs : when it comes to imagining how such exotic beasts behave , the performer has a head start on his audience .
24 In that case Jim you say to your staff that you 're gon na have a dialogue with Dave and myself , with a view to confirming how it will be implemented as far as your organization is concerned .
25 In the company of and from the Key Street Office , I attended the funeral and an address given by a friend and neighbour paid a glowing tribute to recalling how much she enjoyed life and that she would be missed by her many friends .
26 And they continued to discuss the personality of Lady Henrietta , or rather her apparent lack of personality , for some time , until Alix , almost as an afterthought , got round to enquiring how Liz was taking it .
27 When it came to deciding how to Vote however , the most frequent response was that television and the press were equally useful .
28 In a case where a court does have a discretion whether or not to award a judicial remedy despite the existence of an alternative non-judicial remedy , what factors are relevant to deciding how to exercise that discretion ?
29 This reduces in practice to deciding how to specify the destination of a jump instruction , when this destination may be any part-word or syllable .
30 The situation is the key to deciding how effective a leadership style can be .
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