Example sentences of "to [verb] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 She went from being childish , not caring for social conventions and so spoilt that she could follow any whim she liked , to realising how nai ‘ 3vely and shameful her ‘ rebellion ’ really was .
2 The supporters at Devonshire Park are looking forward to seeing how Pam handles the transfer from the U.21 event to the senior event .
3 We look forward to seeing how minerals local plans will provide ‘ an adequate and steady supply of aggregates [ to ] meet the needs of the community and [ ensure ] economic growth is not hindered ’ ( MPG6 paragraph 9 ) , without causing unacceptable damage to the environment .
4 We also look forward to seeing how development plans will ‘ ensure development and growth is sustainable ’ ( PPG12 ) by reducing the demand for natural resources such as aggregates .
5 We look forward to seeing how minerals local plans will provide ‘ an adequate and steady supply of aggregates [ to ] meet the needs of the community and [ ensure ] economic growth is not hindered ’ ( MPG6 paragraph 9 ) , without causing unacceptable damage to the environment .
6 We also look forward to seeing how development plans will ‘ ensure development and growth is sustainable ’ ( PPG12 ) by reducing the demand for natural resources such as aggregates .
7 We look forward to seeing how Council develops its strategy in light of the consultation .
8 Taxing problems The arrest of the former head of the Mexican Treasury 's personnel section may go some way to explaining why government departments always appear to be overstaffed , but incapable of offering decent service .
9 The figures for applications heard by a single Lord Justice and two and three Lords Justices went a long way to explaining why , despite the facts that the rate at which appeals were begun had shown little change over the years , there had been some small increase in judge-power and that major improvements had been made in the court 's procedures , the number of appeals outstanding at the end of each year and the lead times for hearing appeals showed no real improvement .
10 It is an attitude which may go part of the way to explaining why the House of Commons Environment Committee was ‘ appalled ’ by the standard of evidence offered by the car manufacturing companies at its hearings on air pollution .
11 It is a humdrum enough explanation which goes some way to explaining why most public appointments are so dull .
12 This train of thought could go some way to explaining why he is one of the top commercial directors in Britain , the man responsible for such successful ad campaigns as Guinness , Nurofen , British Airways and Gallo Wine , who , reputedly , can earn as much as 100,000 per commercial .
13 Those who sell dogs in the first place have a great deal to answer for when it comes to explaining why the human-dog relationship is so often a disastrous mismatch .
14 If the driver had seen that I was hurt , he would have stopped , and I was not up to explaining why I could not accept a lift .
15 The idea goes some way to explaining why some individuals with red cell mutations are immune to Plasmodium infection .
16 This combination of a strictly limited set of measures , and their application only to new housing , goes a very long way to explaining why public ignorance of these matters is so widespread in Britain .
17 Of course clubs such as Neath and Pontypool are not really supposed to be at the head of the Welsh pecking-order , which goes some way to explaining why they become so unpopular when they do .
18 My point here is simply that they do go some way to explaining why patterns of co-residence fluctuate over time .
19 This goes some way to explaining why the complicated campaigns within Toulouse in the second half of the century were largely fought out under the banners of the Angevin , Aragonese , and French kings ; and why the revolts of Henry II 's sons had widespread ramifications .
20 The historian may relate what happened ; but when it comes to explaining why events occurred as they did , and why decisions were taken as they were , he can not always fulfil his role as he would wish .
21 The concentration of women in industries and occupations where seasonal , temporary and casual rather than fixed contract working prevails also goes much of the way to explaining why the majority of female temporary workers are also part-timers .
22 These , taken together with inferences drawn from what the rebels did , go some way to explaining why the revolt took place .
23 Local conditions must go a long way to explaining why some villages were vulnerable to enclosure and others were not , and these variations could occur within the limits of a single shire .
24 Top-quality Scotch beef is replacing more expensive German beef in Italy and the price for the best and heaviest home-killed bullocks has been forced up to £1,000 a head — which goes some way to explaining why fresh meat is suddenly so much dearer in shops .
25 The specific observations of neurophysiologists , correlating stimulus properties , neural activities and the characteristics of subjective reports of sensation , contribute to explaining how ‘ the diversity of working produceth a diversity of experience ’ only if we have already explained how ‘ working ’ produceth ‘ experience ’ at all .
26 A large section of the report is devoted to explaining how Blake 's mail , visits and his Arabic correspondence course were all carefully vetted by MI5 in case they contained coded messages from the Russians .
27 Smith devoted some space to explaining how , imbued with martial spirit , yeomen followed the lords of whom they held their land to war , serving on foot as archers .
28 All this about Descartes 's doctrine that mind and matter are two causally-related substances , about the manna → gripings model for talk about the objects of perception , and about the empiricist doctrine about how language is meaningful , has been with a view to understanding why Locke could not acknowledge the existence of the epistemic appearances of objects .
29 He explored this theme most famously in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism ( 1930 ) and related works , arguing that Calvinistic Protestantism 's individualistic ethos and positive attitude to the accumulation of private wealth provided the key to understanding why capitalism had arisen in the West rather than in Asia where the economic conditions for capitalist development existed to at least an equal extent .
30 Meanings are crucial to understanding how England lived with chaotic marriage and no divorce for so long before changing the rules governing personal relation-ships decisively .
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