Example sentences of "in which any " in BNC.

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1 This will not only make the hinge or latch work evenly but will provide a medium in which any existing rust is worn away and any future rust is prevented .
2 For this reason , most international contracts contain a clause establishing the country in which any legal action under the contract must take place ( a jurisdiction clause ) , and/or a clause establishing that disputes will be referred to arbitration .
3 There were very few respects in which any of them were even slightly prepossessing .
4 Of course , anthropologists know that they themselves do not belong to cultures of this kind ; but rather to ones which present a jumble of themes , in which any impression of overall coherence is produced kaleidoscopically — that is to say , patterned arbitrarily with mirrors .
5 Produce pieces of writing in which there is a more successful attempt to present simple subject matter in a structured way , eg by layout , headings , paragraphing , verse structure ; in which sentence punctuation is almost always accurately used ; in which any direct speech is clearly set out and punctuated ; and in which simple uses of the comma , eg in lists , after long adverbials , are handled successfully .
6 When all the nasties had been driven extinct , there was no way in which any of the nice strategies could be distinguished from Tit for Tat or from each other , because they all , being nice , simply played COOPERATE against each other .
7 All of which adds up to an absorbing daily life and one in which any time that she spends on her own , when she often dwells on her sad past , is kept to a minimum .
8 Thus , in this case , the Neugebauer-Kramer involution is equivalent to a generation technique in which any solution has a dual solution in which the metric functions and the associated potentials are interchanged .
9 Later they had deteriorated into wild , unruly free-fights for bullies , in which any violence was allowed and often the losers were killed .
10 The legislative intention was to give rise to a charge whenever there was a change in the proportion of the settled property in which any participator was deemed to be entitled , whether the change had arisen on death , or on termination of the interest , or on a disposition or deemed disposition .
11 The alternative paradigm of inquiry or knowledge that Peirce … develop[s] … is a view of inquiry as a self-corrective process which has no beginning or end points and in which any claim is subject to further rational criticism …
12 Such screening ensures appropriate use of expensive medicines and is a model of the way in which any NHS development should be evaluated before being implemented .
13 What Mead is calling the generalized other and its effects , can be read as nothing more than the process of socialization in which any one culture or social groupings ' values and norms are internalized .
14 This refers to the sense in which any particular social class is ‘ closed off ’ from any other(s) .
15 Content — however radical — can always be appropriated by the existing cultural powers ; for Benjamin , then , cultural politics must become more of a running guerrilla war , in which any appropriate materials , tactics , techniques and relationships may be used .
16 But no reported case has been cited to the court in which any judge in any jurisdiction has ever purported to order a doctor to treat a patient in a particular way contrary to the doctor 's will until Waite J. made his order in the present case .
17 He noted that the relationship of husband and wife was not one in which any presumption arose of undue influence but , after citing a passage from Story , Equity Jurisprudence , 2nd ed. ( 1892 ) , p. 955 , para. 1395 , that ‘ courts of equity examine every such transaction between husband and wife with an anxious watchfulness , and caution , and dread of undue influence , ’ he commented , 63 C.L.R. 649 , 675 :
18 A balanced tree is one in which any record can be retrieved in a number of steps s or s — 1 , that is the path length to the record varies by no more than one step .
19 Clearly memories are not formed instantaneously , as if by throwing a switch , but are built up over a period of hours after the event to be memorized has occurred ; during this build-up the form in which any memory is stored changes .
20 The most effective way in which any group , conscious of its oppression and concerned to change the relationships of oppression , can organise , is without the participation of the oppressors in the process of resistance .
21 Social factors of fundamental importance for the education system include the size of the population , its structure by age and sex , its distribution across nations and regions , its composition by social class and ethnic group and — not least — the ways in which any of these change from year to year .
22 The insurance companies listed in Appendix A , undertake in respect of any policy in which any of the banks/organisations listed in Appendix B has notified an interest , using the prescribed form in Appendix C , that they will instead of endorsing the policy with the bank's/organisation 's interest —
23 The research proceeds in the manner in which any theoretical piece of work proceeds — by experimenting with general ideas , working out their implications , and checking them against as wide a range of relevant concrete material as possible .
24 The congress agreed to establish a closed trade unions ' assets management company in which any union could become a member .
25 Throughout the academic year , the University 's Centre for Continuing Education runs a wide-ranging programme of part-time ( day or evening ) Open Studies courses in which any adult aged over 18 may enrol ; around 5,000 members of the local community , as well as staff and students from different parts of the university do so each year .
26 This produces a steady state in which any stimulatory or inhibitory effects can be measured .
27 At a certain level of abstraction there is a sense in which any speech processing mechanism is trying to solve the same search problem ( see Goodman & Reddy 1980 ) .
28 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
29 In those circumstances it does not seem to me right to leave open , whether the court has power to do so I 'm doubtful , but in any event it does not seem to me right to leave open a question of whether there should be some damages to provide for the possibility that er Paul may have to leave school , nor do I think that it is a situation in which any contingency award should be made in respect of that .
30 Ir January 1985 , it became obvious that with the loss of the librarian ii the South Library , it was necessary to investigate the automation of the loans system , this being the only way in which any form of lending service could be maintained in the lower school .
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