Example sentences of "in this same " in BNC.

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1 In this same period I saw many hundreds of users who never featured in the arrest tables and took many to hospital .
2 At a Labour conference you get Gerry Adams turning up at a fringe meeting , and he the leader of Sinn Fein , which is cousin to the IRA , which in 1984 , in this same town , blew up the Grand Hotel in an attempt to murder the Prime Minister and Cabinet .
3 But while Lacanian critics frequently invoke this passage , they less often consider Freud 's extraordinary and provocative remarks in this same essay as to why he thinks desire and satisfaction have become incommensurable .
4 Both the musical abilities , and the ambitions , of the pianist Ronan O'Hora in this same programme were clearly overstretched in his limply unidiomatic , weakly structured and sentimentalised playing of Schubert 's great B flat Piano Sonata .
5 Rangers jumping from a helicopter and spreading out in this same way , a little over-confident as many American soldiers tended to be , hyped up by TV and movie images to believe in their innate superiority .
6 But golf continued , and Bruce Booth-Mason bettered his amateur record returning a gross 65 ( not even a 2 on his card ) , and was to play as an English Schoolboy International in this same year ( 1937 ) .
7 Six years later I would be back in this same street .
8 Consider the personae of Arthur Ransome , E. Nesbit , and Enid Blyton , and in this same light the writers of information books .
9 She had worked for Mair as his PA for the last three years and he knew her now no better than on that morning when she had sat in this same office being interviewed for the job .
10 But the full-moon eclipse on the 9th in this same area suggests an unexpected turn of events .
11 In this same year , 1878 , by an extraordinary confluence , their spiritual paths crossed , though they were travelling from opposite directions .
12 in this same tank the Flameback male was hurtling around in full breeding colours .
13 ‘ And after you return from your first expedition as Scouts , ’ he promised , ‘ other secretions from your body will be blent in this same chalice of the Primarch — which was once His very drinking cup ! — during your induction into the third degree of Brotherhood ; though that in itself will only be the superficies of the third degree ceremony … ’
14 In this same category , but with an even more urgent insistence , he placed the irreversibility of monastic commitment , even when it fell short of a formal vow .
15 So too , in this same period , did the Ehrfurcht vor Geschichte ( ‘ reverence before history ’ ) which had loomed so large in the historical concerns of much nineteenth-century thinking , and which in Harnack bade fair to become the great and chief obligation and dignity of the theologian .
16 Two groups of specialist staff have a particular role to play in this same area — psychologists and Probation Officers .
17 The official was a friend of mine , and had done me some good turns over the previous few months ; most of which time I had spent in this same hotel .
18 There is a reference in this same paper under the heading ‘ Traffic-Safety and Freeflow , ’ to the dock gates being opened at 6.30 a.m. in the morning and the working day extending to 6 p.m. , but not later than 9 p.m .
19 I was sitting here , in this same chair , beside the fire .
20 In this same room I once helped a pretty young woman who came in with cut and bleeding feet , who gave birth to a boy and then died . ’
21 In this same hospital , when relatives come to the mortuary to visit the dead member of their family , they view them through a sheet of glass .
22 She had written little in the hour before the sudden sound had startled her and she began to sing to herself , the words of that same song she had sung so long before in this same room .
23 This contrast between former ‘ O ’ level practice of almost exclusively externally examined work , and the new emphasis upon internally assessed and externally moderated work in the GCSE is further highlighted in this same teacher 's remarks about the ‘ A ’ level examination in art :
24 If somebody had told her she 'd find herself in this same dubious position all over again , even one hour ago , she would have laughed right in their face .
25 In the final quarter of an hour more than forty parties drew up in this same agitation ; and the closer they were to the final minute , the wilder their excitement to give in their cards .
26 The very fine work in this same style at Lucca , for example , should not be missed , for it is of high quality and is equally typical Tuscan Romanesque .
27 " Chaucer " is the only interrupted character who is made to take the opportunity to tell a second tale , although the Monk , too , in this same fragment , is given a second chance .
28 It was only two days since she had sat in this same seat and dribbled raindrops everywhere .
29 And the very player that I was talking about then , turns up now down the left hand side , he holds on so well , the cross again , and er again almost gets the cross in and our er colleague from the Italian service is er getting very excited a just away to my left , but er the header is wide , he can calm down a little , have an aspirin , and it 's still two one for Notts , but er Pisa they 're a danger , and to me they look far more dangerous than the Italian opponents in the last game here at Lane in this same competition .
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