Example sentences of "in the same " in BNC.

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1 In the same way , if your spouse pays income tax at the higher rate and you pay tax at only the ( lower ) basic rate , then in order to obtain Higher Rate Tax Relief , your spouse should enter into the covenant , or into a Joint Deed of Covenant with you , and he/she should actually make the covenant payments .
2 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
3 Our London Home Care service saw 103 deaths in the same area .
4 Its members will help Amnesty with specialist knowledge of military experience and expertise ( in the same way that the Lawyers ' Group and the Medical Groups function in their specialist fields ) .
5 Assistant teacher Habib Ben Malek was sentenced in the same trial in 1977 to 20 years ' imprisonment .
6 If challenged to justify why blacks are struck from the jury , prosecutors offer the most ridiculous reasons — ‘ he looked dumb ’ , ‘ he lived in the same part of town as the defendant ’ ( most blacks live in the same part of town ) , ‘ he was a mason and I was worried about masonic links ’ ( the prospective juror was a stone mason by profession ) .
7 If challenged to justify why blacks are struck from the jury , prosecutors offer the most ridiculous reasons — ‘ he looked dumb ’ , ‘ he lived in the same part of town as the defendant ’ ( most blacks live in the same part of town ) , ‘ he was a mason and I was worried about masonic links ’ ( the prospective juror was a stone mason by profession ) .
8 Art is not , as the metaphysicians say , the manifestation of some Idea of beauty or God ; it is not , as the aesthetic physiologists say , a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy ; it is not the expression of man 's emotions by external signs ; it is not the production of pleasing objects ; and , above all , it is not pleasure but it is a means of union among men joining them together in the same feelings , and indispensable for the life and progress towards wellbeing of individuals and humanity .
9 Writing by the art critic of a newspaper is self-evidently criticism , in parallel with the writing of music and theatre critics ; an exhibition can be treated almost in the same way as a performance .
10 Each of the two principal actors glimpses his double in passing , as a reflection in a glass , and each stands to the other in the same relation — a relation which presupposes , as in many other Gothic texts , some sort of metempsychosis or rebirth .
11 There is a sense in which the hero of Kundera 's novel Life is elsewhere , published in Britain in 1986 , is also the hero of Klima 's collection of stories My First Loves , published here in the same month of the same year .
12 She has written in the same magazine ( June 1987 ) on the Book of Exodus , warning that a reading of the Bible as literature , rather than as sacred text , ‘ can not lift heavenward ’ .
13 Then came the meeting with the woman whom he was to marry , a meeting about which he writes in the same book .
14 It takes imagination and a lot of practice to read a play to yourself in the same time as it would take to see it on the stage .
15 Much in the same vein is Henry V who has several well known ‘ set ’ speeches , full of fireworks , as well as the difficult and testing soliloquy on the responsibility of leadership that begins ‘ Upon the King …
16 i found myself in the same place where I 'd been wounded in Easter , 1917 .
17 For movement and dance , the Pineapple Studios in the same part of town seems to be one of the best there is , though it is not intended primarily for dancers and actors — people from all sorts of professions come along to keep fit .
18 New actors need to try and widen their range all the time and in the same breath find a way of being commercially as well as artistically viable .
19 Added upset came in the same year from a speech by Dr W. Starkie , the commissioner of National Education in Ireland , who attacked school managers for not being up to their job .
20 The small private bars not only created intimate areas within a pub for small groups of people , but also enabled a wide variety of people to be served in the same building .
21 The niceties of these social distinctions were not lost on the pub designer of the period , as they boosted pub taking by enabling such a wide range of people to be served in the same building .
22 Shopping around for a top-up will allow the best price while still keeping the cutlery service in the same style .
23 The person on duty disappeared out the back and I went to sit in the same seat where I had sat the night before .
24 Do not mix different species of bulbs , or different varieties of one species , in the same container .
25 The plant flowers in late summer and early autumn on wood produced earlier in the same year .
26 This lavatera ( shrubby mallow ) flowers on wood made in the same season , so cut last year 's branches hard back in spring .
27 Plant in the same way as for trees and shrubs , mulching the prepared ground with black plastic or strips of old carpet .
28 Control other soil pests , such as cutworms , leatherjackets and wireworms , in the same way .
29 In the same way , if an adult slips and is going to fall , his hands go out to stop himself hitting his face .
30 Immediately after the first introduction to gentle straight stalls I demonstrate that in normal flight even a small movement forward results in the same sensation , the feeling of reduced ‘ g ’ .
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