Example sentences of "in fact [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And this in fact oddly enough , did cause a few upsets .
2 Erm in fact incredibly so erm Very nice place to work actually erm so I 'll do a bit of friendly chasing .
3 Although it is not beyond the ingenuity of the vigneron to protect his vineyards from such isolated hazards , in fact little can be done which would be economically viable .
4 This was predictable , not only because of natural human frailty , but also because , despite Allen 's initial hopes , there was in fact little political purpose to be served by adopting the absolutist position .
5 While not intended as a dogmatic definition , it was in fact little less .
6 If one looks behind what is being said by both sides , there is in fact little that divides them .
7 but he he would never stay except , you know , it always had to be in respectable kind of a barn or something he would live in , least And in fact instead of that he would ra if it was good days he would rather lie at the dyke side .
8 Interestingly , in evidence to the Select Committee in 1968 the Senior Chief Inspector ( Scotland ) was asked ‘ Do you in fact nowadays have any formal inspections in the old sense of written reports ? ’
9 Treaty , even if the power in question is in fact freely applied : see , in particular Openbaar Ministerie of the Netherlands v. van Tiggele ( Case 82/77 ) [ 1978 ] E.C.R. 25 and Criminal proceedings against Anton Adriaan Fietje ( Case 27/80 ) [ 1980 ] E.C.R. 3839 .
10 If the purpose of the law is to protect women from acts of sexual intercourse to which they have not in fact consented , whether by reason of force actually applied , physical or other threat , or fear induced by the accused or by others , then the relevant question would appear to be : Did this particular woman , in these particular circumstances , submit to this particular man ; or did she in fact freely consent to have intercourse with him ? … if the law deems the woman to have consented to the act despite ample evidence of threats which rendered her submissive but non-consenting , then the law can not be said to be serving its true function of protecting individuals from the imposition of non-consensual sexual intercourse . ’
11 It was generally agreed that in any case it would be very difficult to achieve because very few areas were in fact exclusively inhabited by any one of the three communities .
12 Friedman points out that in this economy , workers are suffering from money illusion : they believe that real wages are rising when in fact both money wages and prices are rising , leaving real wages unchanged .
13 These factors appear contradictory , but in fact both individualist and mechanised life-styles serve capitalism by increasing demand and facilitating the circulation of commodities produced .
14 In fact both the US State Department and the Joint Chiefs were already beginning to rank this region immediately after Europe in their list of strategic priorities .
15 In fact both Eisenhower and Dulles privately accepted the absurdity of a European war if all that was truly at stake was the status of East Germany and Berlin .
16 I was judging photographs in fact both
17 At first sight , this may appear to be a poor performance but it is in fact over twice as frequent as a random selection ( which for this data would be 32.7% of cases ) .
18 It was in fact rather a nice day and my spirits were starting to rise .
19 Since the party was dominated by trade unions accepting it meant accepting an intricate network of loyalties rather than accepting socialism : Idealism was in fact rather less necessary , or sustaining , than loyalty within a trade-union dominated Labour Party .
20 The emotional help that we can offer most directly to bereaved people is to explain that such behaviour is not an indication that they have gone mad , but in fact rather the opposite .
21 It is clear from the surviving works by Pasiteles ' pupils that , though they were famed as copyists , their copies of famous works were in fact rather free adaptations .
22 We gradually got to know some of the members of our Pathfinder Squadron , and to realise that they were in fact rather special .
23 Their credit ‘ defence ’ against inflation is in fact rather more like an inflationary ‘ fifth column ’ .
24 In fact rather the contrary . ’
25 On the contrary , it was precisely the excessive femininity , laid on with a trowel as it were , that created the effect of someone pretending to be a woman , someone in fact rather desperately hoping to be taken for one .
26 You know coming from seventy to hundred a sixty five in fact when had their sales meeting last Friday it was observed that the sales force in the er which were gathered which we do every two months in the in the major suite the training suite er conference suite at head office er that was the total number of sales execs we had in January the previous year .
27 This belief has only been strengthened in the post-war period when indeed the division of Europe and the division of Germany were in fact physically the same thing .
28 The programme Beveridge put forward in his book was in fact fundamentally radical .
29 This week , in fact tomorrow , I 'm going to splash out an unbelievable amount of money and buy a transcription machine .
30 The father of the little boy concerned , who is now approaching six and a half years of age , seeks an order of the court in this country that the defendant ( the child 's mother ) shall return the child to the jurisdiction of the court in Ontario , which is in fact presently seized of custody applications relating to the child in the context of divorce proceedings between the father and the mother .
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