Example sentences of "in [num] to " in BNC.

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1 Stephen , indeed , had written in 1771 to another botanist saying ‘ our country produces but few uncommon plants : we have no mountains , few woods or marshes . ’
2 Fewer students were prepared to undertake the commitment to submit written work on a regular basis , or to study over long periods , and although the number of Article 24(a) Tutorial Classes rose from fourteen in 1947–48 to thirty in 1951–52 as a direct result of the District 's programme for action , the totals for Article 24(b) Sessional classes declined from forty-one to thirty-two over the same period .
3 As a result of these measures , the membership dropped from 230 in 1934 to 107 in 1942 .
4 In uncontrolled studies , the use of heater probe in active bleeding ulcers or in ulcers with stigmata of recent haemorrhage , achieves haemostasis in 75 to 100% of cases , and in 69 to 86% of patients the control of bleeding is definitive .
5 In the 1980s , the proportion of spending on economically-orientated schemes , for example , constructing small industrial units , rose in the Partnerships and in the Programme Authorities from 29 per cent of Urban Programme expenditure in 1979–80 to 38 per cent by 1984–5 .
6 The bank 's deposits grew at an explosive rate from £8m in 1891 to £67m by 1908 .
7 Lind confessed in 1891 to the Royal Commission that " unfortunately the new unionism has swallowed up our members .
8 For example , during the first half of this century , Saville ( 1957,7 ) noted that the percentage of the population in urban districts has risen from 72.0 per cent in 1891 to 80.7 per cent in 1951 and that :
9 In 1292 , Amadeus V of Savoy bought thirty-six silver cups with silver feet , an almsboat , a set of knives and other plate from a Parisian goldsmith on his way to visit Edward I. Seven years later , the list of plate and jewels bought in Paris for Margaret , Philip the Fair 's sister , before her marriage in 1299 to Edward I reads like the contents of Aladdin 's cave .
10 The share of the richest 1 per cent has dropped from 69 per cent in 1911–13 to 42 per cent in 1960 , and now to 20 per cent .
11 The queen mother 's religious views and those of the French advisers she gathered around her did little to allay the reformers ' fears ; nor would they have been happy to know that on Mary 's marriage in 1558 to the Dauphin , who the following year became King Francis II , she secretly signed an agreement that if she should die childless her kingdom of Scotland and her claim to the throne of England should become her husband 's .
12 You may have problems with work — although many women are entitled to full maternity leave , they are actually expected to be back at work in eight to ten weeks , otherwise they 're regarded as lacking in commitment .
13 Each solution was perfused in eight to 10 rats with normal and with secreting intestine .
14 In a group of Shropshire villages , infant mortality fell from about 200 in 1661–1710 to about 100 in 1761–1810 ( Jones 1980 ) .
15 Since the 1981 Act , the percentage of the United Kingdom total school population educated in special schools has fallen slightly , from just under 1.4% in 1980–1 to just over 1.3% in 1987–8 ( Government Statistical Service , 1989 , Table 14 ) .
16 Educational spending also declined in the 1980s as a percentage of the gross domestic product ( GDP ) — from 5.5% of the United Kingdom GDP in 1980–1 to 4.9% in 1987 ( DES , 1989 , Table 9 ) .
17 The arrangements needed to be further refined after 1944 , and the number of direct-grant schools fell from 232 in 1943 to 164 in 1952 .
18 In Vietnam the government reckoned that the total forested area had fallen from 43 per cent of the country 's area in 1943 to 29 per cent , although the Resources and Environmental Research Centre in Hanoi put the true figure possibly as low as 20 per cent .
19 Environmentalists warn that the development may place an intolerable burden on the remaining forest , whose area has shrunk from 5,200 square miles in 1943 to around 2,070 square miles today , some of which is notionally protected as a national park .
20 But it owes its status as a national monument to the way it has reflected from its opening in 1796 to its closure in 1924 the most dramatic and moving events in the history of modern Irish nationalism .
21 Yet , despite an increase of spending on health in the UK from 3¼ per cent of national income in 1948 to over 6 per cent ( of a much larger national income ) forty years later , it is alleged that the NHS is underfunded and periodically in a state of near collapse .
22 None the less , the proportion of farms connected rose from 32 per cent in 1948 to 47 per cent in 1953 .
23 None the less the chief engineer 's department had expanded considerably since CEB days ( when they numbered 65 ) : the technical and engineering staff at headquarters grew from 173 in 1948 to 330 by 1952 .
24 The industrial expansion of the period was reflected in the sectoral division of labour , which showed an increase in the proportion of the workforce in ‘ secondary ’ ( industrial ) employment from 39.7 per cent in 1948 to 41.6 per cent in 1951 and 42.2 per cent in 1956 ( Gershuny , 1978 ) .
25 The present house was built in 1755 to a design by J. J. Wirch .
26 Pending further research , I can not consider the word in 10.1 to be inconsistent with the language of the rest of the book and therefore evidence of interpolation .
27 As a result , fishmongers have disappeared : their numbers dropped from 9,000 in 1971 to 3,000 in 1981 .
28 The proportion of births jointly registered by both parents has increased from 46% in 1971 to 71% in 1989 .
29 Since the early 1970s , the proportion of divorces involving a second or later marriage for one partner more than doubled , from 7% in 1971 to 16% in 1989 .
30 The proportion of all families with dependent children headed by a lone parent increased from 8% in 1971 to 19% in 1990 .
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