Example sentences of "in [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1452 the first sugarmill ( water-powered ) was constructed .
2 In 776 the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 773 ) records that the Mercians and the men of Kent fought at Otford but does not state the outcome .
3 In 1875 a memorial was erected to him in the British Cemetery .
4 In 1875 a contributed an article on the Bible to Encyclopedia Britannica , in which he considered and in part accepted the hypothesis of Wellhausen that the first five books of the Old Testament were composites , made up of different interwoven literary strands .
5 A Franco-British Committee was set up in 1868 to consider a twin bored tunnel project developed by Thome de Gamond and the British engineers John Hawkshaw and William Lowe , and in 1875 an international commission was set up to consider the legal and regulatory implications .
6 North himself then moved into water supply , buying in 1875 an old hulk to use as a tanker , and when in 1878 an English group founded the Water Company of Tarapacá in Iquique to bring water from Arica , he rented the carriage business and storage tanks on a service contract and ran it well .
7 During my researches in the library of the Royal Geographical Society I learnt that in 1875 an Egyptian army commanded by Munzinger , a Swiss mercenary who had served under Gordon in Equatoria , had set out to invade Abyssinia from Tajura , and been exterminated by the Danakil before they reached Aussa .
8 Though since the judicature Act came into force in 1875 the rules of Common Law and Equity are recognized and administered in the same court , yet they still remain distinct bodies of law , governed largely by different principles .
9 Thus it was a natural step that in 1875 the Probate , Divorce , and Admiralty jurisdictions should be entrusted to a single division of the High Court .
10 In 1875 the notorious Duchess of Sutherland , responsible for some of the most brutal Clearances , was in London with the Duke lionising Mr Moody .
11 In 1872 , the CWS agreed to do so ; but in 1875 the employees ' right to a bonus was abrogated when delegates to a quarterly meeting of consumers ' societies ‘ swept away the entire bonus system after less than three years ’ trial , and at the same time abolished the United Employees ' Association and the privileges ' — that is , on the purchases of goods — ‘ attached to it , decreeing that employees should share and share alike with other members both as purchasers and as recipients of dividends on their purchases . ’
12 In 1875 the British government awarded him a pension of £200 per annum in recognition of his discoveries at Ephesus .
13 On Hicks 's death in 1869 the business was taken over by G. R. Crickmay of Weymouth and , with the exception of a few weeks in 1870 spent in London with John Raphael Brandon , architect of the Catholic Apostolic Church in Gordon Square , Hardy worked intermittently with Crickmay in Dorchester and Weymouth until 1872 .
14 In 1852 he became the first Moderator of the new Presbytery of Otago Province and in 1869 the first Chancellor of the University of Otago .
15 In 1771 the completion of the Bromberg Canal had linked the Vistula with the Oder and Berlin ; the Dniepr-Bug Canal and the Dniepr-Niemen Canal ( 1775–84 ) opened up the possibility of river trade as far south as Kiew and the Black Sea .
16 He established trading connections with the sultan of Kedah , by whom he was offered in 1771 the port and the coast as far as the island of Penang in return for help against the Bugis of Selangor .
17 In 1771 the Chancellor , Maupeou , exiled the Parlement of Paris once more and abolished the offices held by its members .
18 In Tamil a statement becomes a question by the simple addition of a question suffix ( there is no difference in intonation ) .
19 In 1272 the see of Canterbury was vacant and the pope provided the Dominican prior-provincial , Robert Kilwardby , an academic theologian , after setting aside both the chapter 's choice of its prior and the king 's favourite , Robert Burnell .
20 In 1934 a Miss Kinzie was teaching lipreading in London and among her students was a Miss Cecilia Pollock , and her aunt , a Mrs Bagehot .
21 When in 1934 a further loan of £500 from a Colonel Wilson was not repaid , he forced the movement into bankruptcy after Rotha Lintorn Orman once more vetoed a merger with the BUF .
22 At the same time as JCI diversified into coal , the company also established itself as an antimony producer when in 1934 a new company , Consolidated Murchison was formed .
23 In 1934 a new unemployment Act was passed which went some way towards relieving a gradually diminishing problem .
24 In 1934 an Unemployment Assistance Board was established to administer all unemployment relief ( Bruce 1968:259 ) .
25 In 1934 the son of Britain 's most controversial psychoanalyst was reported killed in a climbing accident .
26 In 1934 the population of the entire Free City area was about 400,000 and of these 50,000 were Polish or Kaszubian .
27 In 1934 the British members of the NATPS took another step along this road when , after talking with officials of America 's National Association of Creditmen , they planned to form an ‘ Institute of Creditmen ’ , a body of individuals , which came into being in April 1939 based in London but with local societies all over Britain .
28 After Simmons 's departure in 1934 the situation deteriorated and escapes became a major problem , to such an extent that a most unusual political event occurred .
29 Apart from the cotton campaign in Lancashire in 1934 the BUF made no headway in the areas of high regional unemployment .
30 In 1934 the Home Office twice re-drafted a bill banning political uniforms , but concluded that the difficulties involved in definition , and the need to protect the civil liberties of other groups who wore distinctive clothing , together with the expected nit-picking objections of MPs like A.P .
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