Example sentences of "in [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Remember opportunity costs : in coughing up the money for one project , investors are still comparing it with other possible projects .
2 But we also recognise that all families face extra costs in bringing up children .
3 Many gregarious species obviously co-operate with others of their own kind , to the benefit of all : lionesses co-operate in hunting , and in bringing up the cubs ; meerkats stand guard over the colony .
4 There are of course problems in bringing up a Down 's child which are not present , at least to the same degree , in bringing up a child without Down 's Syndrome .
5 There are of course problems in bringing up a Down 's child which are not present , at least to the same degree , in bringing up a child without Down 's Syndrome .
6 The parents or guardians of an autistic child will encounter rather different difficulties in bringing up their child than those with a Down 's child , although there are some common themes which , it could be argued , operate for all children .
7 Whatever we think about child baptism , it did reflect a serious interest in the role of the family in bringing up children .
8 Mrs. Dolman was even shorter than my mother 's — 4′ 10″ , but she did a wonderful job in bringing up her family single handed after the tragic death of her husband .
9 It is called the recession and it has blighted the lives of thousands of people who want no more than to earn an honest living and take pride in bringing up their families .
10 Male tigers play very little part in bringing up their young .
11 The problems which they confront in bringing up their children have too often been exacerbated by the interventions of those in the helping professions .
12 In the following year the public were lectured from the courts on the duties of parenthood when , expressing himself ‘ perfectly satisfied that these crimes can be traced to neglect of parents ’ , the Recorder of Bradford struck the familiar harmonies of discontent : ‘ Parents of this time , unfortunately , do not take sufficient care in bringing up their children .
13 Seen in historical and anthropological perspective , perhaps the most interesting aspect of the contemporary preoccupation with childrearing is that today we are self-consciously concerned with the possible psychological consequences of the methods which we use in bringing up our children .
14 And parents are really not alone in in bringing up their children , their children are exposed to all sorts of outside influences , through the media , in their peer groups , and those in many ways , I think , are getting worse rather than better .
15 Our admissions policy and er , er pre- establishments throughout the education department certainly takes account of erm single parents ' situations , particularly the stress that 's involved in bringing up parents in that respect because it 's it 's the stress that 's involved rather than
16 But on the other hand , our large houses , our separate bedrooms , our greater education , make us … more particular in our ways than you — make us feel the importance of little things , little decent ways , little safeguards , and the little constant watchfulnesses in bringing up our children , which the terrible struggle for existence and the pressure of space but too often make you forget and grow careless about .
17 Yes , the answers and comments of the students and your fellow-teachers will certainly be valuable to the project — they were helpful , interesting , and in quite a few cases enlightening in bringing up incidental considerations I had n't previously given enough thought to .
18 Lucy gnawed her lower lip while she sat cursing her stupidity in bringing up Doreen 's name .
19 The experiments of the last 30 years in bringing up the young have failed .
20 ‘ We are going to develop inducements and encouragements for a major expansion of research and development , because if we are going to rival our major competitors we have a long way to go in catching up with them .
21 SCO says it decision was based primarily on Intel Corp 's reported success in catching up with the performance promised by the ACE environment , and that it will re-focus its Open Desktop Unix efforts on the forthcoming P5 80586 part .
22 Yet French and European success in catching up , in some areas , with the USA only heightened the awareness of their puny , David-like , resources .
23 Is it that the fraudsters are the only section of society that is going to vote for the Conservatives er at the at the at the next election because certainly er the reputation of the city of London er is going down all the time because of the squalid frauds that are being perpetrated there a and the government is lagging behind er in catching up and in providing an effective regulatory framework er that 's that 's going to deal er with them .
24 The District Office obtained some extra coupons to keep tutor-organisers mobile and part-time tutors showed splendid generosity in using up their own allowances to fulfil their commitments : indeed , not one course in the whole of the District had to be abandoned part-way through the spring term because the tutor could not travel .
25 They passed two landings , Gordon following her with majestic tread , but faster than one might expect , since although he had lost time in hanging up his raincoat in the hall , he reached the door first , and opened it without any kind of announcement , and Edward was standing , with his back to them at first , thinner and smaller than she remembered , but then she always made the mistake when she had n't seen him for a bit — he turned round , protesting , and it was Edward .
26 Following a speech by Lord Donaldson , Master of the Rolls , to barristers this month , there have been fears that senior judges involved in drawing up rules would effectively block the use of the new rights in practice , by insisting that preparation of some cases and their presentation in court should be handled by different people .
27 In return , the IMF will send a mission to Lima to collaborate in drawing up a medium-term economic programme , and will seek financial support for Peru .
28 This time , the Third World has a lever of sorts in its willingness , or unwillingness , to co-operate , but one of limited value since co-operation in drawing up a climate convention is ultimately as much in the interests of the poor nations as it is in those of the rich .
29 Her background as a social worker helped when she intervened in the child abuse row and played a key role in drawing up new guidelines on how the social services should handle future cases .
30 In drawing up this manifesto , we have begun from where Britain is today .
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