Example sentences of "a case for " in BNC.

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1 Pay about £45 a case for a wine from the Classico hillsides and it can be a revelation .
2 Stephen Stich ( 1983 ) presents a case for a syntactic theory of mind which is more radical than Fodor 's .
3 Is there indeed a case for some form of national track authority in place of six regions ?
4 If BR could not make a case for seven trains for one of its most profitable routes , it was clear that plans for a second tranche of HSTs for the Cross Country group of services would not satisfy the new criteria .
5 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
6 Bearing in mind the commercial raison d'etre of the court , there was a case for paying its judges more than those in other divisions .
7 ‘ Might there not be a case for putting the initial interview in the hands of an educational psychologist skilled in eliciting a history without being committed to what the social workers revealingly call ‘ disclosure ’ ? ' , he suggested .
8 There 's a case for bringing back those old style Tory values .
9 There might even be a case for a standardised calculator to be used in all A , AS and GCSE examinations nationally .
10 Football : Robson has a case for the defence
11 There is a case for going in ; there is a case for staying out ; there is even a case for setting clear , robust conditions for when to go in .
12 There is a case for going in ; there is a case for staying out ; there is even a case for setting clear , robust conditions for when to go in .
13 There is a case for going in ; there is a case for staying out ; there is even a case for setting clear , robust conditions for when to go in .
14 There was undoubtedly a case for a small increase in numbers for the benefit of both divisions of the court .
15 John Alderson made a case for the reintroduction of community policing in 1982 ( Alderson 1982 , also see 1979 ) , but its advantages were recognized much earlier when the House of Commons Select Committee on Race Relations examined relations between the police and ethnic minorities in 1972 , and in 1976 a report from the National Police College placed a central emphasis upon it ( Pope 1976 ) .
16 Moreover , there was a case for suggesting that the change of ministry in August required the endorsement of the electorate .
17 Expect to pay about £50 to £60 a case for English wines , which will never be cheap because crop levels are seldom high and most vineyards are small .
18 Despite its distracting romantic plot , this was campaigning cinema which put a case for the nationalization of the mines as strong as the argument presented in The Citadel for a National Health Service .
19 Yet with eight sendings-off in all that day there was a case for ending the old year by taking a stand on players ' behaviour in time for the new .
20 But when it comes to the Social Charter there may well be a case for slowing the grandiose Delors ideas .
21 But is there not a case for saying that we are currently witnessing the historic counter attack of Christian Democracy , which has summoned up the traditions of Eastern Europe to redress the balance of the West ?
22 So there was a case for revising them .
23 Or if it can — there is a case for that too — it might as well be thought about first .
24 He has found several different types of Anomalocaris ; from studying the whole lot , he thinks he can make a case for saying that it belongs with the arthropods , not out on its own .
25 At the beginning of the nineteenth century we find Lord Eldon sometimes keeping a case for ten years to think over , and not delivering judgement till perhaps most of the parties were dead and most of the property had gone in costs .
26 I am arguing for something far more significant than that , and we might call it a case for ecological morality .
27 This being so , there is a case for casting a backward glance at attitudes of men and women of an earlier generation , whose lives had a limited span — like ours .
28 Hovering in the doorway , Wilson heard Mr Browning plead with her to say something to him and then she listened while he tried to make out a case for the French Emperor , to argue this might not be the betrayal it seemed , and that all hope might not be lost .
29 Yes , he says , there is a case for providing grants to develop purely experimental film and the Arts Council already does .
30 There is more of a case for liberating animals from the wild when it seems that they will not meet the pitiless test of nature .
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