Example sentences of "have been much " in BNC.

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1 In the UK there has been much discussion about teaching stall recoveries with a view to making it all easier for the beginner to understand and remember .
2 Since Sherrington 's classic The Integrative Action of the Nervous System , there has been much talk of ‘ the integrative activity of the nervous system ’ , based upon the convergence of nervous pathways .
3 There has been much discussion recently of the nature of literary canons ; university teachers of English are seen as both initiators and guardians of the canon ( as , for instance , by Kermode in his essay , ‘ Institutional Control of Interpretation ’ ) .
4 The despised belletrist criticism of an earlier day could make radical judgements in an off-hand manner ; those articles , for instance , with titles like ‘ On Rereading Stendhal ’ , which come to the conclusion that Stendhal has been much overrated .
5 There is no real news there of the owl , but someone suggests that I try the hills above Núpur where there has been much activity lately .
6 There has been much adverse publicity concerning food poisoning caused by soft cheeses .
7 The alternative approach is to identify and eliminate TB-infected badgers , and there has been much interest recently in developing a TB test for use on live badgers .
8 There has been much controversy about the theory .
9 There has been much talk in northern European countries about the need to achieve an integration between forestry and farming .
10 There has been much debate about this question of the unit of natural selection .
11 There has been much debate recently regarding the quality of meat used in pre-cooked meals , convenience foods and in the fast service restaurant industry .
12 It is a controversial establishment because it is entirely staffed by NSA personnel and there has been much local discussion as to whether the station operates in the interests of Australia or only America .
13 As you may know , there has been much scientific argument about the ways such traits appear .
14 For many years there has been much debate in the UK about who should care for diabetic patients — general practitioners or hospital-based doctors .
15 There has been much discussion over the last decade about an ‘ entitlement ’ curriculum .
16 It is from this stance that there has been much recent emphasis on subject depth in the training of teachers , and a virtual embargo on teaching for those with degrees in subjects ‘ not on the school timetable ’ .
17 However , there has been much change in the importance of individual waters , and the present concentration at Chichester and Rye seems of recent origin .
18 There has been much disagreement among palaeontologists whether this indicated hunting or scavenging , but Ruby told us that she and her kind stayed as far as possible away from these large animals , for the freshly expired bodies were invariably surrounded by hyenas and big cats .
19 As for the great merchants , there has been much argument among modern historians about how they were recruited .
20 As we shall see , there has been much debate about whether unemployment can be reduced permanently by following policies which increase aggregate demand and in so doing raise the rate of inflation .
21 There has been much debate about whether increases in costs can be inflationary without an accompanying increase in the money supply .
22 There has been much talk of comets , asteroids and exploding supernovae .
23 There has been much debate about how much such rules and procedures should be used : too much , and the organisation becomes immobilised in bureaucratic red tape ; too little , and the organisation descends into anarchic chaos .
24 THERE has been much excitement in the past few days .
25 In the rest of this chapter I will explain our thinking as clearly as I can , for there has been much misunderstanding .
26 There has been much criticism of the government 's housing policy , much of it from organisations outside parliament .
27 There would appear to be some untold facts about Blea Moor Tunnel as there has been much speculation but very little facts of details .
28 THERE has been much comment in Blackpool about the way John Smith claps his hands , elbows out from his side so that his arms form a bar across his chest , hands thundering into each other with short , sharp smacks .
29 In recent years , there has been much commercial development here ; the facilities have been greatly improved for the fishing vessels and the huge container lorries that transport the catch to the wholesale markets in the cities .
30 There has been much modernisation and recently a new bar/lounge and conservatory have been added .
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