Example sentences of "have been too " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I could 've been too cool ! ’
2 By 1965 or so this had all gone , but Medalla himself has been too bouncy and inventive to obey the arid strictures of minimalism .
3 Privatisation has been too slow .
4 We can not simply remove it from Numbers 11 and put it aside , for it has been too closely intertwined with the giving of manna and quails .
5 It is often said in such circumstances that the shock of the news has been too great .
6 He said : ‘ There has been too much talk about the job and not enough about our position in the League .
7 Hussey denies the charge that he has been too much of a ‘ hands-on ’ chairman .
8 Where the remedy has been too ‘ strong ’ for the patient 's vitality this has always shown itself on the first few doses and it has merely been necessary to wait a day or two for the over-reaction to settle and then to begin again using greater dilution .
9 ‘ I think everything has been too easy for him up to now , that 's Richard 's trouble .
10 It is only our more ambivalent age , engaged in the very last mopping-up of the great wet waste which challenged our ancestors , which has begun to question whether the price of progress has been too high .
11 There has been too much diversion of activity towards the idea of maintaining simple diversity in the living systems of the planet .
12 In many respects the management of GEAR has been ineffective : goals have been defined too broadly , simply to ensure consensus ; organizations have been assimilated within GEAR for purely cosmetic purposes ; power has been too diffuse ; and too much has been made of environmental improvements when the local economy has been subject to dramatic changes and unemployment has risen substantially .
13 But the most important flaw in the instruction has been that it has been too often divorced from the classroom itself and from the active involvement of the teacher .
14 It has been too complacent in collecting large sums of money from a few lucrative inventions , such as the cephalosporin antibiotics , and has not taken on enough risky new ventures .
15 I believe that there has been too much attention to ordering of content — which is an easy job — and too little in considering the process — which is a very difficult one .
16 There has been too much upheaval , too much conflict , too much misunderstanding , about farming and the countryside .
17 But the adaptation has been too shallow ; painful without cutting deep enough .
18 The fall of the regime will force into the open an enigma that most western coverage , left and right , has been too indulgent to probe , namely what the political programme of ‘ Islam ’ is , beyond the seizure of power by one or other armed tribal group .
19 Feelings of xenophobia — a fear or hatred of the foreigner — can so readily by whipped up , turning friendly sporting occasions when the ‘ hype ’ has been too great , when the passions have run too high and the pervading atmosphere has been too intense .
20 Feelings of xenophobia — a fear or hatred of the foreigner — can so readily by whipped up , turning friendly sporting occasions when the ‘ hype ’ has been too great , when the passions have run too high and the pervading atmosphere has been too intense .
21 Some critics say there has not been enough action over Aids while others complain there has been too much .
22 ‘ Flashman 's behaviour has been too pathetic for words . ’
23 I do not think that in either case there has been any failure in interpretation of the ideas proposed , but rather that accommodation has been too readily accorded .
24 Modern psychology has been too taken with human drives and the abolition of guilt to take seriously enough the problem of evil in the world .
25 The church throughout its history has been too preoccupied with building Christian civilisation at the expense of ‘ realising ’ the kingdom .
26 Many teachers in Britain regard verbal arts , under the guise of ‘ creative writing ’ , with suspicion because often there has been too much emphasis on free expression .
27 In other words , according to its critics , the Conservative government has been too concerned with ownership and not concerned enough with the quantity and quality of the housing stock .
28 Thus , although until recently the position of those who are tended by and ‘ tend ’ old people in the same household has been too little discussed and merits more sensitive and systematic consideration , there is a similar need for informed debate about nearly three-quarters of elderly people in the UK who live separately from younger people .
29 The intervention period has been too short All children learn at different rates .
30 The sexy Batman Returns star says that up until now she has been too busy chasing her career to take any time off .
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