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1 The French allotment was many times oversubscribed by last Monday and the price on the Parisian grey market , where shares are unoffically traded before issue , has been as high as Fr95 , compared to an issue price of Fr72 .
2 The making of Archbishops of Canterbury has been as various as the making of Popes .
3 Let us suppose that a Government , a party , observing that the rate of increase of the national income has been as high as 3 per cent in real terms over the last few years , were to decide to make plans which involve the growth of public expenditure at the rate of 2and1/2 ; per cent , so as to be a little within the recent happy experience .
4 She has been as ready as the Labour party to apply political criteria when making appointments to bodies like the health authorities and nationalised industries .
5 In the four general elections held since independence the turnover of MPs has been as much as 50 per cent .
6 This book is for Ear'ole , who has been as enthusiastic about my shop as she has been about all the other things that I have tackled , and then begged her to help with .
7 He has been as good as his word .
8 This three-CD retrospective of his solo output is a timely reminder that his career has been as interesting for its disasters as its triumphs .
9 Yet no election campaign has been as unctuously hostile to wealth as the Labour one of 1992 in justifying its policies about the poll tax , the health service , education , and national and local taxation ; and nothing in the public packaging operation left any reason to suppose the Labour Party had abandoned the assumptions of the 1960s .
10 Extensive lists of references are not appropriate in Chemistry in Britain articles , but readers can rest assured that our attention , both to published literature and ongoing work in Europe , including the USSR , has been as thorough as possible .
11 I am always in my very best spirits , for my heart has been as light as a feather ever since I got away from all that humbug ; and , what is more , I have become fatter .
12 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
13 Dr Garfield himself has been as cautious as anyone in making claims for his technique , not least because it does not allow one to predict which specialities the Nobel authorities will single out for acclamation .
14 Regularly presented as the principal policy medium for the resolution of these two problems , the impact of urban policy on either has been as minor as the significance they have had for the formulation and legitimation of policy has been major .
15 Sadly not every one of St Peter 's successors has been as appreciative of his work as they might have been .
16 Racist atrocity has been as much a part of the American experience of war as any other nation .
17 For two seasons , against Five Nations and World Cup opposition , the Irish scrum has been as solid as a rock .
18 Since then , it has been as keenly followed as many full-length TV programmes .
19 No other competitor in any sport has been as consistently good or as unfailingly good natured .
20 Yet his subsequent collapse from hero to villain has been as sudden as a Patriot missile strike .
21 In more recent times the functioning of Swedish industrial relations has been as much , if not more , dependent upon the centralisation of power within the employers ' confederation as upon the unions ' peak organisation .
22 The polarity between biological and social explanations of subjectivity has been as controversial among western feminists as among psychologists .
23 Responsible , neighbourly and democratic , for nearly half a century it has been as gemütlich abroad as it has been at home , pulling either its weight or its punches as the occasion demanded .
24 Despite some internal controversies , reformist Eurocommunism has been as instrumentalist as the revolutionary Leninism which it rejects .
25 Fiscal crisis , however , has been as apparent in the USA as in Europe .
26 There can never have been a field of research in which the likelihood that people would make similar discoveries almost simultaneously has been as great .
27 Friction between locals and newcomers has been as much a function of this as of any other factor , a conflict between the aesthetic appreciation of the qualities of the English countryside and a utilitarian assessment of its productive capacity .
28 Wicked episodes were often brought to my attention , but nothing either then or since has been as evil as the man Beck .
29 The French housing market has been as difficult as the UK throughout 1992 resulting in only 150 sales and 241 legal completions .
30 In some areas of Scotland , the rise has been as much as 35 per cent .
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