Example sentences of "have at his " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly there were more red figures , indicating below-par scores , against his name than Peter Snow has at his command in an election studio .
2 This means that at any frontier anywhere in the world a border official who has at his disposal a piece of equipment which is already widely and internationally available will be able instantaneously to record the personal details from a passport without the holder realising it , and the record will be automatically read into and stored by a computer .
3 He very much admired the poetry of Ebenezer Elliott , the Corn Law Rhymer , that is , a poet who helped to lead the opposition to the laws which kept the price of bread artificially high , and said ‘ None of us have done better than he has at his best ’ .
4 Let us imagine that the traveller has at his disposal a computer , far ahead of present possibilities , into which — we assume the behaviourist position -is continually fed all , and much more than , his own information about himself and his situation .
5 At the same time , the worker has at his command tools and machinery that would make him feel enormous strength but he feels impotent because he is involved in only one part of the pattern of mass production ; never experiencing involvement with a total process from the raw material stage through to a finished product .
6 And you know the resources he has at his disposal .
7 Acrylic is perhaps the most versatile and permanent material the artist has at his or her disposal — high quality acrylic colours such as Liquitex are permanently flexible and do not yellow with age .
8 A utilitarian dictator can either spend the resources he has at his disposal for developing the slug capsule or on saving life on this earth .
9 The president has at his disposal an array of bargaining counters that he must ceaselessly and skilfully deploy in countless negotiating situations .
10 He appoints and dismisses government ministers and has at his disposal a wide selection of public appointments , honours , etc .
11 The CAD operator has at his disposal a range of commands which will allow him to reposition all elements of the mechanism within the reference space .
12 ‘ He has many gifts , Medoc , and he has at his beck a wardrobe of enchantments .
13 It is already known that the normal reader has at his or her disposal two very different procedures ( two very different sets of mental operations ) for accomplishing the conversion of print to speech .
14 In the words of one politician , ‘ given that the major public utilities are under constant political attack , it is in the interests of the chairmen to have the minister broadly defending the industry and not letting it be known in the ways the minister has at his disposal that he basically agrees with the critics ’ ( fieldnotes ) .
15 How much more money might he have had at his disposal ?
16 Looking at the primitive clubs and golf balls which Morris would have had at his disposal in those days , it was engaging to speculate on how , with this equipment , he would have handled Portrush in an awkward easterly wind .
17 I mean what , what does , what means does he have at his disposal ?
18 To put those odds into perspective , however , it should be remembered that apart from having at his disposal the incredible equine resources of In-Keeping 's trainer , Martin Pipe — who himself broke all records for a jump trainer last season — events conspired very much in favour of the four-times champion jockey .
19 That a language , whatever it be , not repress another ; that the subject may know without remorse , without repression , the bliss of having at his disposal two kinds of language ; that he may speak this or that , according to his perversions , not according to the Law .
20 Supervisors demand to be kept fully informed , and expect a field officer to have at his fingertips all relevant details about any pollution and the people involved .
21 To avoid such problems a technologist may wish to have at his disposal a rough guide to aid the selection of solvents for a polymer or to assess the extent of polymer-liquid interaction other than those already described .
22 Surridge certainly had at his disposal two great bowlers in Alec Bedser and Jim Laker , and another , soon to make his name for England , in Tony Lock .
23 The Grand Marshal of the Palace had at his disposal an adjutant , a superintendent of the palace , five prefects of the palace , responsible for the day-to-day administration , and three officers in charge of lodgings .
24 He had at his disposal a Master of Ceremonies , together with his aides , whose functions touched tangentially those of the Grand Master of Ceremonies , himself well provided with subordinates , and who was responsible for Court entertainments .
25 In preparing the Bill and seeing it through Parliament , Jenkins had at his right hand Cunningham 's successor as Permanent Under Secretary of State , Sir Philip Allen .
26 An obvious explanation is the patronage which he had at his disposal as chief steward , for although this derived from the crown its exercise was a manifestation of the duke 's own good lordship .
27 And he had at his disposal almost an embarrassment rather than a shortage of political experience .
28 The butty ( or the chargeman ) had at his command , as people in the industry put it : the stick — complete discipline ; the carrot — piece-rate pay administered for individual production through the chargemen ; and the extra threat-dismissal or relegation back to ‘ the market ’ [ i.e. the casual labour system ] .
29 Kepler had at his disposal Tycho Brahé 's recordings of planetary positions , which were more accurate than those available to Copernicus .
30 He had at his side that second eager poll tax supporter , the Secretary of State for Health .
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