Example sentences of "have at this " in BNC.

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1 One advantage Bedfordshire has at this time was that packages such as SIR , EDFAX and COMMUNITEL were being piloted in the country and one librarian was involved in a Prestel project .
2 Dwell for a few moments on these words of Paul , and when you have a moment of quiet use the prayer that follows , either in your own words or as it stands , as a way of bringing to God your thoughts and feelings both on what you have discovered through these pages , and any particular concerns you may have at this present moment .
3 What they gon na have at this fair then ?
4 ‘ I want to return to the nice friendly atmosphere we used to have at this club with Joe Mercer and Malcolm Allison in charge and chairman Albert Alexander , who left everyone to get on with their job .
5 Even a figure more comparable with Lewis , G. K. Chesterton , had at this age published five of his most distinguished books , and discovered his own voice .
6 Unlikely though it seemed to students and friends of the scholarly and bespectacled professor , he had at this period worked for what became SOE ( a kind of work for which his precision of mind , excellent memory and linguistic ability pre-eminently qualified him : he contrived among other exploits to smuggle the leader of the Bulgarian Peasant Party out of the country into Turkey in a truck ) .
7 Doug Jones had at this time , been split from his mates of the Wolverton Company and was on a working party with a group of Queen Victoria Rifles men , detailed to drain some marshes in Poland .
8 Rome had at this time little interest in the lands beyond , which lay mainly in the highland zone and were inhabited by the earlier and less civilized peoples .
9 One might be forgiven the thought that Wagner 's theoretical position had at this point compounded too many incongruities to make criticism necessary .
10 The Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement ( PMDB ) , the largest single party in the congress , had at this stage refused to join the government ; it had opposed Franco 's first choice as Finance Minister but failed to have its own candidate nominated .
11 The monastic reform movement , so important in the south , had at this date penetrated no further north than Burton in Staffordshire and Crowland in south Lincolnshire .
12 The older translations have at this point the words : ‘ Your faith has made you whole . ’
13 The figures for the first two years are easy as these decisions have already been taken , years four and five are merely projections on current assumptions while the hard decisions have at this stage to be taken for year three .
14 With the four prospective purchasers which we have at this stage it will be necessary to go through an elimination process , selecting one to proceed with and perhaps one to keep on hold .
15 According to Keynesian theory , any extra money people have at this interest rate will simply go into idle balances .
16 At an early stage the County Council rejected all the inner northern routes , despite the recommendation of the County Surveyor and the County Planning Officer , I have at this point said that the Harrogate Borough Council erm h had also recommended that the inner northern routes be retained for investigation .
17 I have at this point tried to bring in some preliminary notions of stress and prominence without giving a full explanation ; by this stage in the course it is important to be getting familiar with the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables , and the nature of ‘ schwa ’ , but the subject of stress is such a large one that I have felt it best to leave its main treatment until later .
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